The Special Guest

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(Bre's Prov) 

'This.. Ball.. Sucks.' 

'I thought to myself. As I picked at a loose thread in my pastel purple dress. It was light and comfortable, in a contrast to my walnut brown skin. My Hair was pulled back in a bun and done to look like a dark sea blossom.   

'The decorations were fair. Countless stunning flowers grew wild and draped across the large and spacious pavilion like sea foam, as the never ending light of this realm illuminated them.'

'The chairs and tables were made of Mahogany carved by the finest experts in the land no doubt.' 

'The table cloths and the chair padding's were as wight as snow the center piece instead of un-needed candles stood a ring of random flowers and a jar of living butterflies.' 

'Each table was set large enough to hold five the eight people. But my table was only set for me and my father. (Which suited me just fine) with my personal guards who stood next to the wall.'

'My father was clearly talking to me, but I wasn't paying attention to a word he said. I had my eyes on the people.'

'It was strange why my father bothered going to these occasion, and even stranger why he would bother drag me along, despite admitting his distaste for these sorts of 'get together' and it was plain as glass why.' 

'The people doing all the talking should not be leaders.' 

'You can tell the difference between a born leader and a born phony, just like it was written upon the people themselves, the way they behaved gave them away, like a shark in a pod of dolphins.' 

'I faced my father and nodded though I still wasn't listening.' 

'Mother couldn't come, on account of she was busy in the southern sea's of China making a deal with the senator there. This week happened to be fathers turn to go to a coronation, a deal they had made a long time ago. One would take care of business and the other would take care of social affairs. I was the only girl with three older brothers. All three knew this was going to be a bore so they went with mother instead.' 

'And if there was one thing we, as a family, all agreed on was that a party outside the ocean was duller then a bed of clams.' 

'This was no exception.'

'The music was okay, but it wasn't incredible, they always took there time serving the food, and mermaids can dance but certainly not on land.'

"... I Just don't know what I'm going to do with you Bre." Said King Swathaguth. 

'He had reached this conclusion many times before. This I know for a fact because it's the only thing I'm ever able to catch out of his great lengthy speeches.'

'I shrug in response and before I open my mouth to ask, my father said.'

"I am sorry about your friends, but there is nothing I can do for them. I already talked to the captain of the guard but he has been commanded by higher authority to rally them up with the rest of the prisoners." Said My father with great concern.

'He was a true leader. He was handsome from his chocolate brown skin to his chestnut eyes. His black hair slightly graying, and well trimmed beard. And looked absolutely flawless in navy blue suit.'

"Who could have greater authority than a Mer-King?" I ask as I look around the room trying to pin-point anyone who looked more like royalty then my dad.

"An Elvin King." Said My father in a hushed voice and said nothing more. 

'I understood what exactly what he meant.' 

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