The Dragon Connection

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'A jail was highly unusual for the fairy tale world. But then again, giants were always considered an unusual race anyway. And unlike most of the races in the land of Light. Structures were approved of and preferred by giants. In one jail in particular was spacious and so large it could fit even the largest of criminals. But for today it held a rather odd combination of people, fit into two cells and the company was split into two groups.'

'Alex a 'wizard' was busily pacing the floor scowling in deep thought. Bre, a mermaid and princes of the merfolk was doing her best to try and get sleep on the jail beds to no avail, the bed was literally a rock and aside from that she had too much on her mind. Hanna a Were-dog, in her dog from was trying to here best not to scream; had someone the day before had told her she was going to be without her phone for a full day she would have never come. In the cell next to them Phoenix, a kistune and Cloe a demon-dragon were drawing in the dirt covered floor and playing several games of tick-tack-toe and a never ending game of pictionary. Zea, Cole's twin, was sitting in a corner curled in a ball trying to clam her vicious allergies. And Mic, a dryad, was sitting on top of the stone cot mind racing. 

'I couldn't believe that was happening. I didn't want to believe what was happening.' 

'Trying to stay positive was like trying to be happy about loosing leg. It was increasingly discouraging when my one optimistic thought was only to be canceled out with my counter thoughts.'

("At least not all of your friends are stuck in this situation.") 

"As soon as the thought slipped a memory came flashing back and it was Zea and Cloe searching the wagon frantically for something, or could it possibly be that... No they wouldn't dare... Would they?'

'Sitting up for strait from my slump the sudden movement caught the everyone attention."

"Mic what is it." Asked Alex with curiosity. 

"Zea Cloe please tell me you didn't." I was trying to be vague on purpose, afraid saying it would make it true.

'Zea and Cloe looked at each other, they new exactly what she was talking about.'

"I told you she would find out before 10:00 P.M, that's another twenty dollars Cloe." Said Zea with a suppressed smile.

"Oh you did! How could you?" Said Mic frantically pacing back and forth. Everyone between the two cells where now overly annoyed and wanted someone to fill them in on what was so terrible.   

"Mic What are you talking about?"Asked Hanna. Mic looked from Zea to Cloe.

"Well do you want to tell them or should I?" She asked sitting back on the stone bed Cloe looked at Zea and says.

"We probably should." 

"We?" Asked weakly Zea as if to say 'I want no part of this' and she sneezed again and rubbed her eyes witch were red and puffy..

"Yeah We! Why do I always have to be the bearer of bad news!?" Asked Cloe.

"Because your good at it!" Stated Zea Factually.

"I could phrase this a hundred different ways sure, but none of which sound good!" Said Cloe.

"Would you both stop bickering and tell me what the bad news is." Said Alex becoming tiresome of this game. 

'Zea and Cloe both became silent, no one was going to be more upset about this news than Alex and they both knew it.'

"So we may have done done something wrong." Started Cloe.

"I assumed as much." Said Alex impatiently.

"Shhh!! Don't interrupt the story, plus you may want to be sitting down." Said Zea.

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