"I'm trying to figure out how I should say this." She said hesitantly.

"Don't think about it. Just say it."  I encouraged. She had me sweating bullets trying to figure out what was going on.

"Ok Jax. So, two weeks ago, I had a feeling that something was up with Jasmine..." Of course something was wrong, the woman got shot and it was all my fault. I thought to myself. During her recovery, I knew something was definitely wrong when I realized she couldn't even be in the same room as me. Megan continued. "Well she's..." Before Megan could finish her thought, I heard what sounded like the phone dropping and a loud scuffle ensuing in the background. "Megan?" I called but there was no answer. I called her name a few more times but she couldn't hear me. 

That's when I  heard unintelligible screaming and yelling coming from Jasmine. Soon, I heard Megan out scream her while dropping the F bomb multiple times. Eventually the phone line finally cut off. What the hell? I tried calling her back several times but my sister didn't answer. I didn't know if I should head right over to her place or just wait it out. 

I traveled back inside the restaurant, ready to end this night with Marcy much to my happiness but her dismay. I didn't give a damn. I tapped my leg anxiously as I waited on the server to bring the check. Right when I signed my signature, I received a text message. I was shocked as I peered down at the screen. Jasmine was the last person I would have ever expected to message me tonight.

Jasmine: We need to talk.  

She was blunt and straight to the point. There was no small talk like, what's up or how have you been for the last month and a half?  I didn't even know how to respond. Did I tell her I missed her? Do I keep it platonic? Marcy scowled at me before trying to snatch my phone out of my hand.

"Who the hell are you texting Jaxon?" I shoved my phone back into my pocket and pushed Marcy's hands away from me. I would text Jasmine back when Marcy wasn't breathing down my throat. 

"It's nothing. Lets go." I said emotionless. I drove Marcy home before opening up my messages to respond to Jas. I looked at the text for far too long, contemplating on what I should say. I was overthinking this big time.

Jaxon: It's nice to hear from you...And of course we can talk. Time and Place?

Jasmine: My house, now.  

My heart sped up. I wasn't expecting her to ask us to meet so soon. I was both excited but nervous. I knew that, whatever Jasmine was going to say, it was important. If whatever this is caused my sister and Jasmine to argue like they did on the phone earlier tonight, I had no doubt in my mind that it was probably something life altering. If it wasn't I would kill them both for putting me through this. I hoped to god there wasn't any complications going on with Jasmine due to her injury.

 I anxiously drove in silence to my sisters house. It seemed like the longest 20 minutes of my life. When I drove up to the house I texted Jasmine that I was there. Not even 2 minutes later and Jasmine was walking out of the house looking more disheveled than she usually looked. Instead of the well put together woman I'm so used to, Jasmine looked like she didn't care about shit. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun instead of flowing effortlessly around her head like usual. She also wore a large over-sized jacket with some sweats that were clearly 5 sizes to big.  Which man did she get that outfit from? I thought miserably to myself. Despite all of that, she was still beautiful. It was amazing how she could be so effortlessly beautiful even when she didn't try. I observed her face as she walked towards my car. Her eyes were dark and sunken. Jasmine looked like she'd been crying nonstop for days. I watched her as she opened my car door and flopped down in the seat next to me. At first, I didn't know what to say or how to approach her. But then I just started speaking.

"I'm sorry Jasmine." My voice was low and steady as I continued. "I was supposed to protect you from that man but I fucked up big time." My words fumbled out of my mouth before I could catch myself. I needed her to know how I felt. 

My apology was met with silence which prompted me to peer over in her direction. Her eyes were closed and tears were slowly streaming down her face. I couldn't help myself when I reached over and swiped a tear away while savoring the feel of her soft skin. It had been too long since I held this woman. But my indulgence was short lived as Jasmine instantly opened her eyes and cringed back from my touch.

"Don't touch me Jaxon. I'm fine." I pulled back, heading her wishes. I didn't say anything. I just waited for her to take the lead in all of this. I was curious to know what she had to say.

"Urgh." She groaned. "I don't know how to tell you this. I feel like if I say this out loud it makes it all so real." I was so confused.

"Makes what real?" I questioned. She didn't say anything for another moment. So I just waited for her to compose herself.

"Fucking Megan had to go and-" She stopped mid sentence and face-palmed herself before looking over at me and shaking her head repeatedly. She looked like she was warring with her inner self. After a moment, she continued without pretense.

"I'm pregnant Jaxon." The words that flowed out of Jasmine's mouth nearly gave me a heart attack. I leaned my head back and squinted my eyes ever so slightly, shaking my head to make sure I heard her correctly. Did she just say what I thought she said? I just stared at her, stunned. Was Jasmine fucking with me? But then I stared deeply into her brown swollen eyes and saw how much anguish laid there. That's when I knew for a fact that this wasn't a joke.


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