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on one hand, getting shot in the chest hurt. like, a lot. but on the other, it felt good to bleed. to feel pain. to feel love.

i wish we could say we cured the bonies with love.

but really, we just straight up killed them all. sounds kinda messed up, but no one felt too bad about it. they were too far gone to change. it was actually a really good bonding experience for us and the humans. once we joined forces, they didn't stand a chance. the ones we didn't kill, just.. wasted away. and the rest of us, well we, we kinda learned how to live again. for a while it seemed like a lot of us forgot what that meant. the humans began to accept us. connect with us. teach us. this was the key to the cure. it was scary at first, but every great thing starts out a little scary, doesn't it?

this is how it happened. this is how a world was.. exhumed.

Cold Body, Warm HeartWhere stories live. Discover now