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"wait here." i told carla, and started to walk.

"be careful," i turned to look at her. "o-kay?"

i nodded and kept walking.

"we'll all wait here." carla said, one last time.

i walked through a baseball field, on an escalator, through a door with yellow caution tape around it, and there people were.

i was in irina's city.

i was beyond the wall.

i had a beanie on to hide the fact that i was a corpse and i walked with my head slightly lowered so no one would notice.

irina and i were giving the others hope. and it was spreading fast. i guess the bonies didn't like that and that must be why they're looking for us. i have to tell irina, i have to explain what's happening before it's too late. i have to- oh no. oh no. please, go, go with your friends, shoo! leave me. that's it, okay. i thought yo myself when a goat was suspicious of me.

i walked through a dark alleyway , still trying to find irina's home.

eventually, i found her house which

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