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irina took it upon herself that it would be fun to drive around in her car, so here we are.

"this is awesome!" she screamed, laughing with her hands up.

i was nervously looking around with an unsure expression on my face as i stared at her. she noticed my staring so she looked at me, the smile still perfectly on her face.

her smile toned down a bit, as if she was getting a crazy idea as she kept glancing over at me. "do you wanna try?"

i looked at her with big eyes as i nodded.

as i drove, the car would stop every few seconds, seeing as i was dead, and also never learned how to drive properly.

"oh god. oh- one foot. okay, okay. pick a foot. you're using two feet. pick one foot."

i picked a foot and everything we going smoothly.

"there you go!" she giggled and i looked over at her.

"alright, put your hands on the wheel, buddy."

i drove into a parking garage and accidentally crashed irina's car.. whoops.

"ugh! jesus, lu! this was a beautiful car!" she said, as she car spoke saying something about recalculating.


irina was eating her peaches again as we sat side by side in the aisle of the airplane.

i admired her as she ate and she kept glancing at me.

eventually, i think she just got uncomfortable so she got up and walked over to the record player.

she was looking through the records. "what's with all the vinyl? couldn't figure out how to work an ipod?"

"b-bett-er sound. m-more al-ive."

"yeah, that's true. a lot more trouble though," she looked back at me. "there you go again. shrugging. stop shrugging, shrugger. it's a very non-committable gesture."

i shrugged again.

"really?" she turned and focused back on the records again. "these are really cool records. how'd you get all these?"

"i.. co-llect things.."

"yeah, i can see that. you, my friend, are a hoarder."

i shrugged.

"man, there's this awesome record store. you would love it. it's so cool. it was so cool." she got quiet at the last sentence and i could tell she was upset. "alright." she played the song and started dancing.

"much better." she kept dancing as i looked at her with big eyes.

i smiled and twirled my finger to the music.

we played a game where we used special equipment to look at old pictures of couples.

we tried on glasses. (which she definitely enjoyed more than me.)

we played patty cake, as she called it. well, she played and i sat there confused.

she tried to teach me the wave, which was unsuccessful.

she read a book.

then she explored the airplane as i watched her from my seat.

once she fell asleep, i sat and watched her peaceful face.

little did i know then, carla was standing outside of the plane & saw the music playing.

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