"Shit shit shit shit" she says quietly to herself. She's shaking and somewhat crying. Bradley goes over to her and says something to her make her nod.

"Let's watch a movie" I say. We all nod.

Luke pulls madie down onto the loveseat with him. Ashton pulls Olivia (rather harshly) onto the couch and they spread out. Bradley and Calum ly infront of the tv on their stomachs. That leaves a recliner chair for me and Kenzie. Yay.

She sits on the floor. I walk over and grab her arm, yanking her up. I sit on the chair and she sits on the arm of the chair. I lean forward, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her onto my lap.

"You sitting here wether you like it or not" I whisper in her ear. She nods. I loosely set my arm around her waist.

"Insidious!" Me Ashton, Luke and calum scream. Bradley shakes his head, madie looks over to me and Olivia just stares at kenzie.

"What?" I question.

"Kenzie doesn't watch horror movies. We normally watch funny ones till she falls asleep that way she doesn't get scared. " Bradley says.

I look at kenzie. She's avoiding eye contact.

"She'll be fine. I'm right here" I shift so she can put her head down.

Kenzie was doing pretty good for the most part until a face popped up. She screamed and started crying. Bradley stopped the movie. Kenzie jumps up and hugs Bradley.

"I'll take her home" I say standing up.

"What? No" Bradley says. Kenzie looks at me. I give her a warning look.

"I want to go home. It's okay" she says releasing him.

"Okay" he says. She says her goodbyes, as do I.

We pull in front of her house.

"Sorry for lying" she says.

"It's fine" she sits there starting at her house. It's dark. I notice the car is missing from the parking.

"Where are your parents?" I ask.

"Not here. For the weekend. There was a reason I was at Bradleys. Now the house is all creepy and dark, and I had to watch that movie. " tears fall down her face.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I say.

"You don't have to-" I,cut her off.

"I made you watch it." I say bluntly.

Once we get in she says goodnight and leaves. I ly down. After about 2 hours, I go upstairs to check on her. I open her door, and she's watching family guy.

"I can't fall asleep." She says.

"Do you want me to sleep in here?" I,ask. She looks hesitant but after a decade of awkward silence, she nods. I go downstairs and lock all the doors. I go back upstairs, she's turning off the tv. We crawl into bed. I try not to me to weird. But I cant hold it in. I scootch closer to her. She stiffens.

I wrap my arm over her. She pushes herself into me. She relaxes. And we fall asleep, slowly, then all at once.

Kenzies P.O.V


Luke's P.O.V

After awhile me and madie left since the real sleepover is now tomorrow. Once we pull up I realize that I don't want to go home.

"Madie" I say.

She looks at me with sorry eyes.

"Luke I am so sorry. I didn't mean to lie I just didnt want to tell you for whatever reason. I can repay you in anyway. " she says.

I chuckle "are your parents home?" I ask.

"Not for the weekend no. Gone with kenzies parents for a trip. Why" she asks.

"I'm sleeping over" I say bluntly. Her eyes widen.

"Okay but you have to sleep on the couch. "

"Deal" I,say. We walk in. We start watching family guy and eventually she's falling asleep.

"Madie. Let's go to bed. " she says.

"That means I get to get up " she whines.

I get up stick my arm under her legs, and under her back and lift her up bridal style.

"Now you don't" I say,smirking. I drop her on her bed and she gets comfy.

"I'm sorry for getting.mad " I whisper.

"Its okay" I go to leave. "Wait" she sits up.

"I know its awkward but can I have a hug?" She laughs. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist. Loosely. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me close, I  do the same.

She Lys down. And soon after Im snoring.

I was having a great dream. Me and madie were hangig out in the park. We were just about to kiss when she starts crying and screaming. Soon I wake up to realize that those screams are real. Madie is having a night mare. I run up the stairs to see her crying and screaming I run over to her.

"Madie! Madie get up! You are okay! Please!" She wakes up. She wraps her arms around me crying.

"Hey Shh Shh " she gets off me.

"Im sorry" she says.

"No no no don't be sorry. Are you okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head "no." She says.

"Do you want me to sleep-" I get cut off.

"Yes please" she says. We crawl in to bed.

She puts her head into my chest. She sniffs.

"You are safe with me" I say. She looks up. I kiss her forehead.

"I promise" and we fall asleep, entangled in eachother. 

Ashtons P.O.V

I was so mad at Olivia. I pull up to her house get out and stop her before she leaves.

"I can't believe you" I say.

"I'm sorry okay. Like I didn't want to lie but I did and it was wrong but whatever. You dont care. "

I push her against the car.

"Right cause I never care. I never do. Ashton never cares cause he's an ass. I just it. But whatever enjoy your night" she goes to leave. I embrace her in a hug. She hugs back after 2 mins.

"Thanks" she says. She leaves.

"Hey" she turns around.

"I care. And its okay. " I get in the car driving away, leavih her blushing like a tomato.


It's getting heated. This is where the fun begins.

Let me know how I'm doing.



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