"Arrival At The Devil's Forest"

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Next Day
I woke up in my sleeping bag I was a bit confused did Lloyd put me back in my sleeping bag or I was dreaming,I started to stand up and fixing my sleeping "Good morning!" Nya greeted me "Good morning Nya" I greeted her back, "so where are the guys?" I asked Nya "there are in the river near by" she replied and pointed at the direction where the river was "lets go there?"I said to her "Okay just let me finish packing my stuff" she replied I nodded and sat down for a while.

Nya finished packing he stuff and I stood up "lets go!" Nya says Joyfully I smile and nodded to her,we begin walking to the river. Then we heard splashing in distance we where both confused that why are the guys playing in the river in the middle of the mission we arrived at the river and saw a demon that was 10 feet tall it had tentacles that hold a grip on the guys they guys where trying to break free with the grip of the demon,"GUYS!"we both screamed to guys and they caught there attention even the demon Nya used her advantage since the where in the river she formed a chain made out of water ,Then the demon struggled "I-I can't hold it for long" Nya said trying hold the demon.The guys were dropped in the water I pulled out my yin yan necklace and it formed to a sword then it changed bow and arrow it had the yin yan sign on the bow and arrow, I aimed the bow and the monster's neck with using my power of light I let the bow go and the arrow went flying to its throat and I reloaded the bow again and aimed it to its heart this time then it broke free from Nya's water chain then Nya fell back then the demon let go from the guys and the demon seemed pissed that I shot him in throat so his attention was all on me the guys directly rushed to Nya and I was facing this demon one on one since the guys where slightly injured from the fall and trying to defeat the demon I aimed the bow and arrow once more to its heart then the arrow went flying to his heart I snap my fingers and a light chain formed from the air and it was holding it down,the demon seems to melting from my power of light I made the chain tighter and tighter until it disappears in thin air.I turned around to the guys and they where shocked that I defeated a demon one handedly I walked towards them "Are you guys okay?" I asked in concern "will be fine" Lloyd said in assurance "are you sure,Your left arm is bleeding wait I can heal you guys" I said I let out a white aura around me and it spread to Lloyd,Kai,Jay,Cole,Zane and Nya "there your all healed" I said The were amazed with my power they keep looking at there wounds that was completely healed.
We all took a little break Nya laid down on Jay's lap ,she told me that they where together which they look kinda sweet and even when they have free time they go on a date ,Lloyd was just leaning on the tree he caught my eyes that were looking at him he gave a warm smile.

A few minutes has gone by, Lloyd stood up "we should get going" he said we all agree and he walked towards me and gave me a hand and the rest stood up we start walking again and we stumbled on path was that leads to various places that we did know where it goes,there where 3 paths "I guess we need to split up" Cole said we thought for a minute ,"I guess we should" Lloyd said "Me and Nya will go here" Jay said while pointing the first path "well me, Kai and Zane are going there" he points in the last path "well that means it's me and Shin going to the middle path" Lloyd said we almost walked to path that we choose but I stopped "okay one more thing don't get easily fooled the aura of this place is dangerous and there are some demons that can twist minds and some illusions too" I said to them in a warning "we won't " Jay,Nya,Cole,Kai,And Zane" all said determinedly then me and Lloyd begun walking to the path that we choose.


We've been walking for almost an hour now Lloyd started conversation about about his past, About his life before he became the green ninja then he told me that his dad is an oni and he is a half oni well I wasn't bothered at all.The sky became darker than usual we kept walking until I felt a droplet that dropped in head then the rain became stronger Lloyd grabbed the last a big leaf that was good enough to used as a umbrella,used the big leaf to cover my head "L-Lloyd you don't need to" I said to him a bit worried "I'll be fine" he says "b-but you'll be sick!"I said extremely concerned "don't worry that much Shin" he says trying to make me ease up a little "Fine I trust you" I said and tried to ease up a little,we've been walking in rain for a bit long now and it turned night then we stumbled on a old Japanese traditional house "Lloyd lets take the night there?" I said and glanced at him he looked pale and sick he nodded a bit weakly "Lloyd are you okay?" I asked extremely concerned "yeah-" he said weakly and he collapsed "L-Lloyd!" I said extremely worried I knelt beside him and tried to carry him, I had a hard time since he was heavy and I his I felt that his temperature rising his having a fever I thought worriedly we arrived to the old house that were gonna use for the night it was dusty and cold but it was fine, I let Lloyd leaned against the wall, I placed my hand on his forehead he was burning hot , "oh Lloyd" I said worriedly I placed the bag that I was carrying and got his sleeping bag and placed on the floor I struggled to carry Lloyd to his sleeping bag after that I tucked him in with the blanket. Went to the kitchen to find a bowl of something ,then I found a wooden bowl I walked outside the house and got some rain water I walked back in and scrambled in my backpack to find a towel or some cloth,then I finally found a cloth I went directly went to Lloyd and started to dip the cloth in the cold rain water and placed it in his forehead, I kept doing for 30 minutes now I was being impatient and very concerned I placed my hand on Lloyds head and used my light power to heal him from his fever after doing that his fever went down, I sighed in relief and walked to the main door and the rain has gotten weaker and weaker until it stopped raining I looked at the sky I can finally see the moon and the stars I sat down on the balcony floor and looked at the stars and the moon until I fell asleep.

The Half Oni And The Half Demon(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now