"Why Would She Do That ?!"

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(Nya's P.O.V)
After killing the beast I ran directly to her and shouted "Hey wake up!"while shaking her I realized she was bleeding,I directly grab her and carry her towards an open road. I spotted Jay and I yelled "Jay I'm over here!" He saw me and ran directly to me he asked "who is she?"I replied to him "S-she saved my life "Jay said "we need a first aid kit "I replied to him "it's back in the bounty "Jay said "I'll carry her "I nodded since she was injured I felt guilty dragging her all around.We both walked towards place were the bounty is parked.
~A few minutes of walking~
We finally arrived to the bounty we were united by the rest of the gang members Kai,Cole,Zane and Lloyd they saw her and then they were all worried for the girl they were all asking questions "what happen?", "are you okay?" and "who is she?"I said in a panic "I'll explain everything later right now I need to apply some first aid kit "
~5 minutes later~
After wrapping her left shoulder with a bandage I left her to rest so I could start the engine of the bounty,Then I immediately went to the stirring wheel and I pushed a button to on the engine I set the stirring wheel to autopilot and I place the coordinates to the dojo. After that the guys where just standing there waiting for an explanation so I Immediately I told them every thing
~Few minutes later ~
We arrived to the dojo and Master Wu was there waiting there to hear the news I said to Lloyd in kind and concern voice "Can you carry her?"he replied "okay then" as I parked the bounty beside the dojo then Lloyd was caring her then we begun going down the bounty and Master Wu walking towards us he greeted us then he saw the poor girl carried by Lloyd, He looked at the girl like he know who she is he said "Lloyd would you bring her to the extra room we have" Lloyd replied "okay Master" as they left I ask Master "Do you know her master?"he nodded he said in sad voice he said "I've met her parents the were such a kind people ,let us talk about it inside shall we?" As we went inside the dojo Me,Kai,Cole,Zane,Jay and Lloyd were sitting on the table Misako served us some tea and we thanked her then she begun to sit down on table as well. Master said in concerned voice "The girl you brought here today her name is Shin Tasumaki I've met her parents they where such lovely people, she has an older sister her name was Katherine ,I wonder what brings her here?,I hope she can recover" after that the guys decided to do training and me I decided to wash Shin's Jacket since it was stained with blood so I went to her room and I saw Misako sitting by her and tending her wounds as I slowly remove her Jacket Misako asked "what are doing to do with that?"I said I'm going to wash it.

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