"I Thought I Was Dead"

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I woke up and, I realized I was in bed,I tried to it up straight but my body ached so I decided to ignore the pain.My memory was fuzzy I can't remember what has happened to me.All I remember was seeing the sky so I decided to walk around this place since the surroundings are very familiar to me . I walked out of the room then saw a picture frame on the floor I picked it up and wiped the dust on it, I shocked to see my family photo before my sister becoming rouge, before mom and dad where murdered. I "remember what had happened to me"I said to my self, After saying that to my self I started crying knowing that my own sister murdered our mom and dad.

All the emotions inside of me were mixed up sadnesses,anger,confusion. I felt lonely I've got no more parents that makes me an orphan now that thought made me remember mom and dads friend(Master Wu). As I thought for a second "What if I could stay in his place for a while?"I questioned myself,That idea was the only idea I can only think of for a better hiding place" I can't let my sister find me "I said to myself, I got up and wiped my tears I grabbed the picture frame and place it on a back pack I brought all the things I needed as ,I step out of the house I started to miss my parents my old sister before she was evil, I look behind me and stared the our old vacation house I started to cry again,I wipe my tears away and summoned my dragon the dragon of light and darkness as I mount my dragon we begun our decent our main course was reaching to Ninjago City, as I estimated we will arrive to the city with in 1 hour .
We arrived have arrive to Ninjago City I decided to land on a tall building so I won't get seen down bellow, As I get off my dragon I said my many thanks to my beloved friend he begun to disappear in thin air, I was alone i decided to go down to the building. As I begun going to the elevator I pressed the down button I estimated would take me 20 minutes to take to the first floor.
~20 minutes later~
As I reached to the first floor and got out of the building ,I realized the people were evacuating, I heard a little girl crying I glanced to my right there was a little girl crying hugging her teddy bear as I see a dark figure behind the little girl, I ran directly to the little girl and cared her her away from the beast I saw a woman looking for her daughter I guessed it was her her mother I ran directly to her and gave her child "You need to evacuate" I said to her.The mother ran directly to find a hiding place,I saw a girl wearing a ninja attire I decided to follow her, she was surrounded by those creatures I was gonna get out of my hiding place but she manage to defeated those creatures using element of water as I thought for moments to trust her or not but I saw another creature behind her she doesn't seem not notice it pulled out it's sword as I ran out of my binding place and screamed "Look out!" Pushed her away and I got hit against the wall then she blasted it away using her element,I dropped at the floor I felt weak as she went closer to me and said "Are you okay?!" I was so weak to answer since blood was coming out of my shoulder since the creature slashed it's blade on my shoulder then my vision went dark.

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