{20} A Detour of Answers

844 36 9

Trigger warning: Extreme Violence


I yelp and Lloyd screams as we are startled awake. I hug Lloyd close and frantically look around. Pythor is grinning back at us through the cage bars. He gives back the sword he's holding to the Hypnobrai guard.

"Rise and shine. We're going on a road trip." He smiles at us.

So much for having a decent nights rest.

"Road trip? Where are we going?" Lloyd asks with a frown.

"Somewhere special." Pythor looks at me. "I'm sure you'll like it."

I glare back at him in response.

Pythor slips some bananas through the bars. "You better savor those, because it's a long ride ahead." He chuckles to himself and slithers off. Joining the group of serpentine Generals conversing in the center of the arena.

Lloyd picks up a banana and hands the other to me. "Why do you think he's taking us with him?" He asks as he unpeels the banana.

"I... I don't k-know. To keep an eye on us I s-suppose?" I answer unsurely.

We eat our breakfast in relative silence. Watching as Pythor gathers a group of serpentine to go with him. There is a soldier and scout from every tribe, along with all the Generals apparently.

I take this time to stretch out my limbs again. My muscles really hate being stuck inside this cage. It's so uncomfortable and incredibly difficult to sleep in. Lloyd watches me for a moment, going through some stretches before he gets up and copies me. It's a bit cramped with us both doing it, but I do show him how to do them.

"Huh, I feel a lot better." He says.

"I'm glad i-it does," I smile back at him.

I take notice that the four soldiers have been sent over to our cage. Two of them carry chains. I watch them approach wearily. The Venomari one unlocks the door and opens it.

Lloyd backs away fearfully towards the back of the cage. I hold out a hand in front of him protectively.

"Come out, and thingss won't get ugly." Hisses the Fangpyre.

Accessing the situation, it's clear that if I tried anything, I wouldn't get away. I sigh in defeat and step out of the cage willingly. The Constrictai steps forward and bounds my wrists using one end of his chain.

"Mira, what are you doing?" Lloyd asks in shock.

"Th-There's no point in f-fighting them. Best we c-cooperate for now." I tell him.

The soldiers look at him expectantly. Lloyd gulps, then nods his head. "Okay." He steps out of the cage, and his wrists are also bound by chain by a Hypnobrai.

They lead us back to the main group. My chain is handed over to Pythor. "Good, now we should be all set." He tells his group of 13 serpentine. "Skales, you drive the bus. I'll direct you where to go."

Skales nods and leads the way to where he parked the vehicle. I'm forced to stick close to Pythor by the chain. Lloyd is toted around behind us surrounded by the soldiers. He looks to me, scared now that we're separated. I smile back to comfort him. Despite by own unease and worry about what Pythor has in store.

Upon reaching the bus, we all pile in. Pythor takes the seat behind Skales driving. I have to sit next to him, much to my dismay. I sit as close to the window as I can, since he has me boxed in. The rest of the Generals sit up front wherever there's a free seat. Lloyd is taken to the back of the bus, out of my sight.

The Silver Seer (Ninjago Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant