{2} Training to be a Ninja

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        I am not athletic!

        Once again, my hand comes loose from the cliff face. Rocks I accidentally pulled out, tumbled down the mountain to the ground far below. My limbs are shaking from the amount of effort it takes to climb. My energy had long since dried up, but I continue to persevere. One, because I don't want to fall behind and let Sensei Wu down, and two, I just really don't want to die.

        Looking up, Kai is quite a ways ahead of me. I can only assume Sensei Wu is even further then him. Most likely already at the top since I'm so close. I swear that old man is part lizard or something. I watched him scurry across a flat overhang upside down like it was nothing!

        "How long is this training gonna be?" Kai asked out of breath, probably looking at Sensei Wu. "Aren't we in a little bit of a rush since they have the map?"

        I force my limbs to pull upwards, if I dared, I could now touch Kai's foot. My muscles are screaming at me in pain. Oh why did I allow myself to be put through this torture?!

        "Patience," I hear Sensei Wu respond to him.

        Kai groans loudly in response. Climbing over the lip of the cliff face. Disappearing for only a moment before his head pops back into view. He bends down and reaches out a hand for me to take. Gathering up all my remaining strength, I climb unsteadily up the rest of the way. Gladly taking his hand. He pulls me up, getting me over the last foot. Finally standing on the ground. I bend over, hands on my knees as I pant heavily from the exertion. Then there's Sensei Wu, sitting calmly on a rock. Of course.

        At the top of this mountain, stands a building, a monastery I believe. With smooth beige stone walls and a large wooden door as it's entrance. Green shingled roofs point to the sky, as if the mountain itself wasn't tall enough.

        "You okay?" Kai asks, looking down at me in concern. I think he's figured out by now I'm not in the best shape. I wave him off, feeling too exhausted to even speak. Kai gives me an unconvinced look but leaves me be anyway.

        Sensei Wu has gotten up, he beckons us to follow. Kai follows without complaint, having already regained most of his breath. Meanwhile, I'm dying over here. How much stamina do they have?! I mentally groan loudly before forcing my jelly legs to move.

        Sensei Wu pushes the doors open, the hinges creak loudly. Announcing our entry to an empty courtyard.

        The old man turns to us, "You are ready when you are ready, not a minute sooner." He then walks down into the courtyard, where a golden dragon statue sits right in the middle. I also notice a smaller dragon statues sitting on a poles on either side of the doors.

        "A monastery?" Kai looks around at the empty space in disappointment. "You expect me to learn to fight in a place of peace?"

        Sensei Wu stops by the right statue. "Not fight, train. To become a true ninja, first you must be able to see what others do not."

        "But there's nothing here," Kai gestured helplessly to the courtyard.

        "Well, your friend already sees more than you." Sensei Wu said, noticing me staring at the statue. I look at him in surprise.

        "Huh?" Kai looks at me.

        Sensei Wu hits the statue with his bamboo staff. Knocking it backwards, revealing a big red button. He presses it. Suddenly the monastery courtyard is alive with movement. Things start coming up from the ground. Weapons, dummies, punching bag, and poles all rise from the stone covered ground. Together, creating a pretty neat training course. My mouth hung open at the sight.

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