{16} Spreading Rumors

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Why am I sleeping on the floor?

I open my eyes, finding myself staring up at the sky. It's darker than I expected it to be.

"Someone's awake," I hear Nya say.

I sit up in confusion and look around. Rubbing my head because it still feels a bit fuzzy from whatever happened. First thing I notice, I'm on the Bounty's deck. Second thing, all the guys are lined up beside me out cold. Nya, Sensei Wu, and Lloyd stand in front of us. Lloyd has his hood off again, showing off his blonde hair.

"Wh-What... happened?" I ask.

Nya frowns in concern. "Do you not remember?"

I think for a moment, then it all comes rushing back to me. "S-Samurai!" I blurt out. "W-We were cornered, and... and I th-thought we were gonna d-d-die. Then... then this mech c-comes in and-"

"Calm down, Mira." Sensei Wu says gently. Snapping me out of my panicked rambling. "Let the others wake up. We can discuss things over dinner Nya has already prepared."

"You already c-cooked dinner? Thank you, b-but you didn't need to. I was going to... to do it," I say.

Nya waves me off, "It's okay, Mira. You got knocked down in battle. I don't expect you to cook after all that."

There's a groan to my left as Zane sits up. He blinks and looks around. "Did we get incapacitated?" I nod to answer him. He takes a quick look over the ninja and even myself for injuries. "At least we are safe and in one piece."

Kai sits up on my right, rubbing his eyes. "The next time I see that guy, I'm getting him back for this."

Jay sits up on Kai's right with a yawn. "Yeah, that wasn't very nice."

Cole then wakes up on Zane's other side. He props himself up on his arms and looks around confused. "How'd we get back on the Bounty?"

"Uncle found you all at the Venomari tomb knocked out cold," Lloyd pipes up.

"Let's talk while we eat," Sensei walks off. "Our food is getting cold."

I get up and help others to their feet. First we make a quick stop at our rooms to change out of our dirty ninja gi and into pajamas. Then we all make our way to the dinning room. Already there is a plate of shrimp, plate of sushi, and another plate with rice set out on the table. A teapot sits boiling on some embers in the small stove fire pit built in the table. We all take our seats. Sensei Wu at the end. Cole, Kai, and Nya take one side, and Me, Zane, Lloyd, and Jay take up the other side.

The meal and tea tastes so good. It felt nice to get something in me after being defeated by some mysterious samurai. It also didn't take long for Jay to launch in this huge dramatic retelling about everything that happened. Lloyd, who is sitting next to him, got the brunt of Jay's focus.

"So then, just when we were gonna bite it, this huge mechanical robot who-!"

"Samurai," Zane interrupts Jay's story. "It was samurai."

"A sama what?" Lloyd looks confused.

"Samurai. Highest level of warrior class," Sensei Wu starts to explain. "They would protect nobility and serve with honor on the battlefield."

"He was twenty feet high, with weapons coming out of every part of him," Kai described. "He had this thing on his arm that sprayed a gas that knocked us out immediately."

"Okay, don't let this mysterious samurai cloud what's really important," Cole speaks up. "All the serpentine are out, and if Pythor can unite them, the legend states some Great Devourer is gonna consume the land and-"

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