{23} Charming Snakes

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        The desert looks beautiful from this angle.

        Ouroboros has main wide roads that lead out from the center of the city to the desert. Growing wider in diameter the further out you go. Traversing down one, gives an unobscured view to the desert with the sun high in the sky. Framed perfectly with the tall buildings on either side of me. Makes one wonder how this place looked back in it's prime.

        The sounds of grunts and the distinct sounds of battle brings my attention to a group near the end of the road. The commotion coming from a pair engaging in a tense fight. While three figures stand off to the side observing the match. From here, I can see their red and white colorations, save for one figure who's predominantly orange.

       "Is this really the next group we are going to talk to?" Lloyd slows down a step beside me.

        "Yes," I answer.

        Lloyd makes his distaste known with a loud groan to the sky.

        As we get closer, I can make out more details. A fangpyre scout and solider are dealing blows. The two parting before lunging at each other again. The scout aiming for a punch to the face. The solider dodges with a quick sidestep. Snapping his jaws at the scout who flinches back out of range.

        "Hey! Watch your mouth!" The scout hisses.

        "Then don't be so sloppy," the solider retorts.

        A feral hiss rises from the scout and he leaps back in the fray. Wildly throwing punches that the solider blocks with his arms.

        Another scout standing on the sidelines pumps her fist in the air excitedly. "You show him Snappa! Beat him up! Left hook! Left hook!" She demonstrates by punching the air beside her. Barely missing her constrictai solider companion standing there.

        A two headed fangpyre warrior shakes both heads at this display. A hand coming up to rub one of the faces. As he slides his hand down, that head's eyes catch sight of us. Making him straighten up at attention. The right head watching the fight glances our way, surprised, before letting the left head be the one to focus on me. Raising a hand and waving in greeting.

        The constrictai noted this movement and elbowed the female scout. She stopped cheering, giving the solider a confused look before seeing us. "Well I'll be," she says with a hand on her hip. "Didn't think I would ever see you face-to-face shiftari."

        "Uh, call me Mira." I correct as I join them. 

        "Staky," the scout points to herself. She jabs a thumb to the constrictai, "This girl here is Thratt, and two heads over there is Fangdam."

        I nod in acknowledgement, turning my attention towards the still ongoing fight. "What's- What's going on here?"

        "They are sparring," Thratt answers. "Fang-Suei and Snappa made a bet earlier over each other's stashes of candy for whoever was the strongest. Fangdam is the referee."

        Snappa lands a blow to Fang-Suei's ribs. He grins at the small victory, but it is wiped off his face by a retaliating gut punch. Something Thratt winces at.

        Fangdam's hand flew up in a series of rapid movements with a deadpan expression. Staky and Thratt chuckled in response. 

        Staky smirked in his direction. "Maybe you shouldn't have suggested the sparring match then."

        Fangdam responds by lifting both hands, palms facing each other as he curls his fingers, moving both his hands in opposite back and forth motions. Swiftly changing to a pointing motion in front of him, and then pointing up. 

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