{28} Family Reunions

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It feels strange to be back.

Leaning against the doorframe to the bridge I look out over the deck. Arms crossed over my chest. The wind tugs at my hair and pulls gently at my civilian clothes. I can feel the background vibrations under my feet from the engines keeping us afloat. The sky is bright and beautiful, the morning rays feel warm against my skin in the cool air. It almost doesn't feel real.

The tapping of bamboo alerts me to Sensei Wu's presence before I even see him. "I'm surprised you aren't by your brother's side." He comments to me.

"I'm letting th-the others have a turn," I answer.

He hums, stroking that long beard of his. "I see. Not for any other reason perhaps?"

My lips press into a thin line. Recalling how quickly it felt to be uncomfortable in the guys' room as they tended to Kai. Nya being worried the most and staying by his side all night. The ninja didn't pay me much attention, too focused on their task. It felt like I was intruding on something I didn't belong. No one said anything when I left.

"I needed the s-sun," I say instead.

I can feel his stare on me, but he says nothing. Simply hums again and enters the bridge. The tapping of his staff fading as he does. I take a deep breath and sigh.

The rapid stomp of small footsteps race towards me before a smaller form collides into my side. I grunt in surprise, an letting out an amused laugh as I look down at a blonde head. The smile comes easily to my face. "Morning to you too."

Lloyd steps back from his sudden hug. His face lit up and grinning wide. "Mira! Kai's awake!"

I let the surprise show on my face. "Wh-What?"

I hear Kai's laugh as he ascends the steps to the bridge deck. "Hey! You ruined the surprise." He scolds the boy, but there really isn't any bite to it.

Lloyd sticks his tongue out at him and then runs into the bridge.

Relief fills me at the sight of Kai. "How're you feeling?"

"Great actually," Kai says. Rubbing the back of his neck. "I think unlocking my true potential just took a lot out of me."

"S-Sorry about that," I apologize. Knowing my stunt in the volcano probably contributed to his exhaustion. Having to protect me from the lava back there.

Kai frowns. "You still have that bad habit after everything? You don't need to apologize."

"S-Sorry," I answer automatically.

"We'll... work on that." He says.

Nya appears over his shoulder. "You coming to the bridge or not?"

Zane joins us from the steps. "Sensei wanted us to convene at the bridge once you woke up."

Kai playfully elbows Nya away. "Can't a man have some space?!"

She laughs, disappearing through the doorway. Giving me a wave as she does. Kai shakes his head to himself and enters after her. Zane acknowledges me with a "good morning" and follows them. I push myself off the frame, but halt when I see the rest coming up.

Jay catches sight of me and stumbles a bit in his steps. Still he nods and gives and awkward wave before scampering inside. Cole, who follows him, only gives me a side glance as he enters.

I have a feeling today is not going to be fun. I rub at the place my necklace used to be and enter the bridge once I know everyone has settled. Finding a spot by the wall so I was out of the way.

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