{13} Fangpyres

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"S-Something's wrong with the dragons," I point out. Running a comforting hand on Flame's head. He's slumped and lethargic, much like the others.

Jay tugs on Wisp's reigns but the dragon doesn't budge. "Come on, Wisp. You can handle a short trip, right?" Wisp only hissed in reply, head sinking lower.

"Hmm, it is as I suspected." Sensei Wu said, walking back up to us while carrying a large thermometer. "The dragons are molting. They're shedding their scales."

"What does that mean?" Jay asks.

"Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult." Sensei Wu answers. "We must allow them to migrate East to the Spirit Coves for their transformation."

"Will we see them again?" Jay asks.

"It is hard to say." Sensei Wu says as he looks at Wisp. "But we need to allow them to follow their path."

I look up to see the rest of the ninja, Nya, and Jay's parents arrive on the scene. Telling from their faces, they heard what is happening.

Cole steps up to Sensei and Jay with a frown. "Rocky's going East?"

Kai and Nya join me by Flame's side while the others say goodbye to their dragons.

Kai pats Flame's nose. "I'm gonna miss you big guy." Flame nuzzles into his hand in response.

After a while, I hear footsteps as Jay approaches us. Suspiciously focused on Nya. "Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure would be nice to have company."

Nya nods with a smile.

"Of course we'll go buddy." Kai jumps in grinning.

"I could use a break," Cole walks over.

"All you had to do was ask," Zane also joined the group.

"I'm n-not letting you face the Fang-Fangpyres alone," I speak up with a smile.

"If you need a ride son, we can take the jalopy," Ed calls out from beside Sensei Wu.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everyone can fit," Edna assures.

Jay sighs loudly and facepalms.


Everyone did somehow fit in their car. Ed and Edna took up the front seat. I sat between Nya and Sensei Wu in the back seat. While the boys hung onto the ledge behind it. They seem to be sitting steadily enough. Beats walking there.

According to Jay's parents, the trip will take about an hour. Thirty minutes in, and they exhausted all topics that could embarrass Jay. Much to his relief. Leaving us all in a weird state of silence aside from the roaring engine of the car.

Sensei Wu decides to pull out the sacred flute to play to pass the time. The moment the first few notes ring out, my lingering headache spikes. I immediately grab the flute, much to everyone's surprise. Sensei stares at me for interrupting.

I let go and quickly retract my hand. "S-Sorry, I... s-sorry. My headache i-is acting up. You... Playing that next to my ears is ag-agitating it."

Sensei Wu nods and sets the flute down in his lap. "I understand."

"Cole must have hit you really hard. You sure you don't have a concussion?" Kai asks. Honestly, I'm not sure.

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