{19} Holding Out for a Hero

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I wake up stiff and aching. Still trapped in a cage with my back up against the iron bars. Lloyd lays curled up in my lap, sound asleep. He looks so peaceful sleeping. Maybe I can endure the slight pain in my legs and back for a bit longer. Just to give him a few more minutes of sleep.

The sky is still dark, but there are traces of it lightening up. Sunrise will come soon. Surely someone will notice we never came back home by now. Perhaps Sensei Wu sent the boys to come find us, or Nya is out now in her samurai suit searching.

The Colosseum is mostly empty right now. All the serpentine settled down across the ancient city. Our only company is a pair of Hypnobrai soldiers keeping watch over our cage. I avoid any eye contact with them.

There isn't much for me to do being stuck inside this small cage. Nothing is going on to watch and pass the time. I would meditate, but my aching back would make it difficult to concentrate. Thus leaving me here, staring off into space, bored.

Is this how Nya felt that one time Garmadon kidnapped her?

I begin to hum a soft tune under my breath. No particular song in mind, just humming to hum. Playing with the notes a bit. Trying to find ones that sound decent enough together. Enjoying the feel of my voice not tripping up for once.

It's been awhile since I've been bored enough to hum. I've become so busy with training, mediating, and just hanging out with everyone that I've never really found myself completely bored. There was always things I could do. The last memory I have is all the way back when I worked at Four Weapons. Sweeping the floors before bed on my own in the dark of night. I had forgotten how nice it felt to mindlessly hum a tune.

Lloyd shifts in my lap to rub his eyes, and I stop my song.

One of the Hypnobrai lets out a sad 'aw' when I did so.

"You sing?" Lloyd sleepily asked me.

I felt the back of my neck warm up in embarrassment. "H-Hum," I correct. "And not v-very often."

"It was nice," Lloyd yawns. Seeing as he is awake, I finally stretch out. Relieving a bit of the pain in my limbs.

Lloyd looks around, and sees we are still caged. "We're still trapped," he frowns. "So it wasn't just a bad dream."

"Afraid not," I sigh.

"Think the ninja will save us?" He looks up at me hopefully.

I smile reassuringly. "I'm s-sure they will."

Lloyd moved off of my lap to sit against the opposite side of the cage and took to looking around to pass the time. I took this time to stand up in our cage and do some warm up stretches. It was a bit cramped doing so without hitting Lloyd, but it cleared away the rest of my stiffness. By the time I was done, sun has risen high enough in the sky to give it a nice golden glow.

I sit down again, trying to think up other ways to curb my boredom. I guess I could meditate and see if I get any visions that could help us escape. Maybe try to see if it's possible to spy on the guys in the present since I can look into both the future and the past. Though, I doubt it would work. I settle into a meditative stance anyway, willing to give it a shot.

"What are you doing?" Lloyd asks me.

"Trying s-something out. I won't be able to talk for a-a bit." I reply.


I let my breaths flow in and out. Clearing my mind free of any distractions and simply letting my thoughts drift together. It takes a bit to get to get to a point of inner peace. To be able to feel my power gently pulsing at my core just faintly.

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