{31} Catch the Snake

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"I'm going," I say.

"Absolutely not," Kai refutes. "You are staying here on the ship."

I cross my arms, frowning. "I'm ssseeing this to... to the end."

"I'm with Kai on this one, maybe it is best you stay here." Jay joins in.

I look over at him with my one good eye. Having to look slightly down due to still being in my serpentine form.

Jay forces a smile and nervously laughs as he backs up a few steps. "Or you do you. I'm not going to stop you."

Zane steps up to my side on the Bounty's deck. "Please, Mira. We just don't want to see you hurt."

I grip my arms tighter, then I switch to sign. Refusing to look at the group. "I need to do this. I helped start this nightmare, I am going to help put an end to it."

        It's my fault that Pythor happened to get this far in the first place. I must make this right. Its the least I can do.

The sound of thrusters gets everyone's attention as Nya lands on the deck in her Samurai mech. "I agree with the boys, but every minute we spend arguing up here is another minute Pythor gets closer to Ouroborous."

"Ugh, shes right." Cole begrudgingly agrees. "We don't have time for this. Do we still have sights on him?"

Nya shakes the mech's head. "I would have used the falcon, but its still being repaired. Right now, I have the Bounty sensors trained on him. Tracking his signal."

Sensei steps forward to be on my other side, his staff tapping against the deck. "You are to stay here, I do not have time to debate this." I open my mouth to retort but he continues over me. "You are not yet at full strength, it is too dangerous for you. You will stay with Lloyd on the ship."

I silently huff, tail flicking against the wood floor with annoyance. Once again finding myself having to stay quiet and follow orders.

"Hey! No fair! I wanna go too," Lloyd pouts. Descending the stairs to the main deck from the upper floor. Setting down the briefcase he was lugging.

Kai turns to the kid. "We need someone to stay with the Bounty and make sure Mira rests." He stresses the last bit as he looks at me. I merely frown in response.

Lloyd makes a face at that. "You're making me babysit my babysitter?"

Kai shakes his head. "No thats not-"

"Besides," Lloyd interrupts him. "Did you see me punch him in the gut? I'm an asset, I kick butt!" He kicks the air in front of him. "And guts!"

"Patience, kid." Kai chides him. "You're too important now that you're the chosen one."

"Patience, hm?" Sensei Wu gives Kai an appreciating look. Walking over to the Samurai as Nya bends down to allow him to clamber up in the seat built for him. "Ah, the student has become the teacher."

Jay nudges the briefcase closer to himself with a foot and pops it open. Revealing the Golden weapons inside. "What do you say we play a little catch up?" He smirks as he retrieves his nunchucks.

Cole pumps his fist, looking excited. "It's my favorite game." The ninja all hurry over to the briefcase to collect their weapons. I slither out of the way as Lloyd backs up from them.

Lloyd and I share a look. He glances around. Seeing Nya has turned to look over the railing, conversing with Sensei Wu. Everyone's backs are turned to us.

The Silver Seer (Ninjago Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant