His Dad decided to take his place in the contract signing event with the VODAFONE group and called for their chartered plane so he can directly fly to London and catch up with the rest of the Wang Corp. contingent headed to Heathrow. His Mom immediately contacted one of their family doctors and asked whether he could head out to the hospital where Yue was taken. Zi Wei contacted her assistant so they can immediately arrange for a chartered flight for DiDi back to Beijing from their stop-over point, Dubai. Kido talked to Atty. Long ZhenKang to arrange everything and assist Yue and her family in every way in the case of the truck driver.

In the midst of that crisis, all of them made sure that they could cover everything before finally giving him a call so he can know of the situation and be updated on what is currently happening as well.

He feels grateful to all of them.

He knows that if they only could, they would have done so much more just to save his girlfriend...

His girlfriend...


He shook his head to re-focus. "Zi Wei, don't end the call please. I can just stay on the line. I can just – "

"I won't", his sister immediately assured him, "I will stay here as long as you need me."

He sighed.

"I shouldn't have left."

"Don't do that. This is an accident. None of it is your fault."

Weirdly enough, it doesn't feel like it though.

It feels absolutely like it is just exactly his fault – as though he has angered the heavens somehow and they are exacting revenge on him.

If he had been there protecting her, watching her... was it... could it be...

He shook his head to clear it from these fatalistic thoughts.

Yet... it is so strange how someone he loves always gets taken from him when he isn't with them, as though the heavens would not allow him to even be able to do anything at all because of how far he is.

"Zi Wei..."

"Di-Ge, it was an accident", there was an undeniable firmness in his sister's voice, "It doesn't matter whether you are here. Accidents can happen anytime. Do you hear me?"

"Zi Wei, is that your brother on the other end of the line?"

DiDi recognized the voice that had cut in on their conversation – Shen Yue's father.

"Yes Uncle."

"Can I talk to him?"

"Zi Wei, please, give the phone to Mr. Shen", DiDi immediately answered from the other line.

"Here you go, Uncle."

"Wang He Di." The older man's voice held every note of strength.


"Take care on your way back here. When Yue wakes up, you will be one of the first people she would look for."

He finally felt his tears fall.

His voice became rougher as he answered. "Yes, Uncle. I will take care."

"What happened was an accident. And I am grateful for you and your family for being here with us. I couldn't think straight. I think I still can't think straight so I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much, DiDi."

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