The Monarchy Ruler

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"Those descriptions fit perfectly with the young man who appeared in my dreams." Arthur remarked.

Merlin continued. "He lived together with his two brothers, Cid and Edward, it seems that his parents died a long time ago. The town he lived in was quite poor, and from what I saw, his family had a farm before, but probably when they died their son couldn't keep it."

"If you arrived when the monarchy ruler was already gone, how do you know he was taken by the king of the dragons?"Arthur inquired.

"When I got there, the trail of dragon mana was all over the place, it wasn't difficult for me to identify that it belonged to Gilgamesh." Merlin answered confidently.

Arthur pondered on Merlin's explanation for a moment. "Very well, since Gilgamesh already has him, we must prepare ourselves for any eventuality. We must assume that he may attack us at any moment. Therefore, I want everyone to mobilize immediately, we must ready ourselves for war. Merlin, you will lead our forces against Gilgamesh. Go forth, gather all the wizards in Camelot, and begin training them to fight alongside our armies. Go now, there's no time to waste!" Arthur ordered.

Merlin bowed deeply while proposing a better idea. "How about traveling to the dragon realm and give King Gilgamesh a proposal he can't refuse?"

"We don't have a ruler, do you really think he will agree to form an alliance?" Arthur questioned.

Merlin grinned widely and laughed heartily. "But we have a ruler, we have Xaiver, if King Gilgamesh finds out that the monarchy ruler is also the dominion ruler, then he will have no choice but to accept my proposal."

Arthur considered Merlin's plan carefully. "If we can convince Gilgamesh, then we will have a chance to finally escape the hands of the gods." He agreed.

Merlin chuckled gleefully and clapped his hands happily. "Excellent! Now let me prepare myself, I shall depart as soon as possible."

"Very well, go and do your duty Merlin. Take some Knights of the Round Table with you, you better be prepared for anything." Arthur instructed.

"Understood, my king." Merlin agreed, bowing once again.

Arthur dismissed the crowd and watched them leave, some seemed worried about the future, but others appeared excited by the prospect of not fighting Gilgamesh. Once the throne room was empty, Arthur sat back on his throne and closed his eyes, thinking deeply about the situation.

After a while, Merlin returned wearing different attire. His robes were replaced by a long brown coat lined with fur, underneath he wore a heavy wool tunic embroidered with intricate patterns of golden thread, over it he wore leather pauldrons engraved with runes, and a pair of boots made from soft leather. Merlin carried his staff in one hand, gripping its handle tightly, and slung across his shoulders was a large bag filled with various supplies.

"Ready to leave?" Arthur asked as Merlin approached him.

"Indeed, I'm fully prepared and ready to depart." He confirmed proudly.

"Regarding the Knights of the Round Table, who did you decide to bring with you on your trip?" Arthur inquired.

Merlin shrugged indifferently and replied simply. "Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain, nothing else."

"Only those two? That's hardly enough." Arthur protested.

"Nonsense, those two are among the best fighters in Camelot, I could ask for no better companions to accompany me in such a dangerous mission." Merlin argued.

Arthur shook his head disapprovingly and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine, take whoever you wish, but remember Merlin, Gilgamesh is extremely dangerous, don't underestimate him."

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