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"We've gotta act fast! The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all." Shiro explained.

We all said yeah, in unison.

"Form Sword!" Shiro commanded. We did as we were told and began to cut alongside the Galra ship to explode it.

"Hit the engine systems!" Shiro yelled as we continue to scrape the sides and exploding parts of it. Then, we used Pidge's canyon to explode an area and.

"Stay focused! We neutralized the engines! Let's target the bridge." Shiro suggested. Then , a black hole appeared below us.

"What is that?" Lance asked. A wave a dark matter and rays struck us. It felt like a painful suction of energy being lost. Considering I'm the wings, I felt pain. We were all screaming and trying to fight it, but it was too hard. We were motionless. We were unable to move. Then, I blacked out completely. I could hear things, but I was in too much pain to even open my eyes.

"Paladins! Shiro can you hear me?" Allura asked.

"Yes, Princess. I believe we are all alive." Shiro grunted.

"Oh thank the ancients!" Coran sighed.

"Is voltron operational?" Allura asked.

"It's not working." I could hear Hunk.

"I can't move my lion." Keith grunted.

"You've been hit with some kind of witch craft that draws the quintessence out of you. You need to get out of there! Another blast like that and you may not survive." Coran exclaimed.

"Wait what's that?" Lance's voice echoed. My head was ringing.

"You must get moving! Remember all the battles you've been through." Allura reminded.

"Voltrons still not responding... Calloway can you by any chance use the wings and blast us out of here?" Shiro asked. I tried to respond. "Calloway, do you copy? Calloway!" He kept yelling.

"Yes, I'm here. Wings are a no go." I gasped for a breathe. The pain was slowly going away. I looked up and saw some figure arising from the  ship.

"It's Zarkon." Shiro muttered.

"Listen to me! You are true paladins now! Connect with your lions, reach out to each other! Fight! This cannot end now!" Allura preached. I slowly sat up in my seat. Then, we saw the castle of lions get hit. We could hear Allura's scream.

"Allura!" Shiro yelled. There was a moment of silence. "Everybody Listen! We have to fight! We have to channel all of our energy. Visualize six becoming one. We have to focus everything we have into moving voltron." Shiro began. I shut my eyes and took a breathe. "We are the last thing standing in the way of Zarkon's total universal domination. I'm not giving up that fight. Are you Hunk?"

"No!" Hunk replied.




"Let's go down swinging."


"Let's do this." I responded.


"I'm all in."

As each of us said we were going to fight, our lions roared.

"Then , lets go voltron back in this battle!" Shiro yelled as we formed the sword. We began to hit Zarkon. We flew around with him following us.

"Alright let's hit him with the big guns! Hunk, form shoulder canyon!" Shiro commands. "Fire!"

We watched as Zarkon barely budged.

"Look out!" I yelled as I saw another zap coming our way as I moved us up to dodge it. Then, Zarkon kicked us back. We continue to fight Zarkon with the sword. We tried blasting him but he used his shield.

"We've never faced anything this powerful before!" Pidge points out.

"One way or another this may be our last battle." Shiro muttered. "We've got to give everything we have. Dig deep and fight!" I activated the wing jets to turn us around. We continued to fight against Zarkon and reflect his hits. "He's trying time control my lion. I can feel him in my mind." Shiro grunted

"Fight it Shiro!" Keith yelled. We all began to yell as we grabbed the sword and began to go after him. We cut right through his arm. Then one of his chains grabbed The head of voltron and held onto it. We felt all of us being ripped apart. We were all desperate lions again.

We all looked up and saw Shiro's lion wasn't functioning.

"Shiro! Shiro!" Keith yelled. "Somethings wring with Shiro. Guys we can't let Zarkon get the Black Lion." Keith commanded. We al began to get in ready positions and go up against him as individual lions. We were fighting and shooting at him. We can't let him get a Shiro.

"We have to keep Zarkon away from the black Lion!" I shouted as I shot at him.

"Come on, we can't give up!" Keith pushes us.

"I'm running out of strength, man." Hunk whines.

"Look out!" Lance yelled. We were all being hit and we felt the hits. I glanced up and saw Shiro zip through Zarkon.

"What did you do?" I asked Shiro.

"I've got Zarkon's bayard."

"You mean... you've got your bayard." Keith pointed out to Shiro.

"We've only got a few minutes left before the power returns to Zarkon's ship. Form Voltron!" Shiro announced. We got into formation and formed voltron. We continued to hit Zarkon and go after him.

"Hello Paladins!" We heard Coran!

"Is everyone okay?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry guys!" Slav yelled.

"Oh, great... Slav made it." Lance said sarcastically. We continued to hit Zarkon and we noticed the power on the ship return.

"The power on Zarkon's ship is returning! I'm going to get Allura!" Coran announces to us.

"This is our last chance. Let's finish this!" Shiro yelled. We all began to activate and work harder than we ever have and charged right into Zarkon. Zarkon grabbed the head and began to zap energy form Shiro while we had a blade in Zarkon's torso. Then, the blade went on fire and Keith pulled away. I helped by moving voltron back slightly. Then, we stabbed it in harder. We could hear one another screaming in the intercoms. We watched as Zarkon exploded. Our lions were separated once again.

"Did we do it?" I heard Lance.

"Is it over?" Hunk asked.

"I have Allura and Kolivan! We need to go!" Coran told us. We all began to fly. Then Keith and I noticed Shiro's Lion wasn't moving.

"Shiro?" I asked.

"Shiro!" Keith yelled.

"We need to tow him back into the ship!" Pidge stated. We all got back in the ship. As soon as we got wormholes out, we went running to the black lion to see if Shiro was okay.

"Shiro!" Keith panted. We went into the lion and got to the control center. "Shiro?" Keith asked. We couldn't see him. He was not in the chair. His bayard was in the slot.

"He's gone." I gasped. We stared blankly at the empty chair. Where could he have gone?

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