Crystal Venom

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I stared off at the blade in the distance and I was immediately reminded of Earth. Unfortunately, I don't remember a lot. I just remember bits of pieces.

"Griffin, trust me, I won't die while I'm at the Garrison." I laughed as I grabbed my suitcase alongside him.

"As the older twin brother, both you and I going to the garrison is the destruction, and I am definitely going to be the best fighter pilot and you may be stuck with cargo." He teased me.

"Oh come on, you won't admit that I may be one of the best." I teased. We may not look alike, and despite my last name being hyphenated, we were twins. My mom and dad separated when we were both born. They argued and argued on who got what last name, so they decided it was going to be for the best that they hyphen mine for some reason. We awaited for our parents to come to say goodbye. Our mom was really happy with her new husband, Richard. Matter of fact, they both remarried. They hate each other with a burning passion.

"Do you think they will both come?" I asked.

"I'm sure of it." He nodded.

After twenty minutes, the bus came to pick us up. No sign of our parents.

"Guess they didn't want to come." I sighed.

"It's fine. You are there only family that matters." He gave me a hug. We both got on the bus leaving for boot camp.

My eyes snapped open from a long nights rest. I felt my heart beating rapidly. I left my room and head to the detainment center where everyone else was.

"Okay, guys, Sendak's almost all hooked up.
But, look, I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners." Coran began.

"Coran, we understand this isn't what the technology was meant for, but if we can extract Sendak's memories, we may gain valuable intelligence on Zarkon's troop locations." Pidge states.

"Yeah, and then we can just be like, 'Knock-knock.' 'Who's there?' 'The avenging fury of Voltron, son!'" Lance began to ramble.

"Fascinating." I muttered. "So, how exactly does this work?"

"As the memories are extracted, they're written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro-storage strands." Coral commented.

"When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored in a giant ship." Lance announced.

"The amount of information in your brain could be stored in a paper airplane." Keith insulted.

"Oh, yeah? Well, the amount of information you have, Keith, could be..." Lance attempted.

"Yeah?" Keith furrowed his eyebrows.

"Uh it's less than what I have!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, good one, Lance!" I laughed at Lance's attempt.

"This is how you incorporated King Alfor's memories into the Castle of Lions?" Purge questioned.

"Precisely, but it's never been attempted before on an unwilling participant." Coran notes.

"Uh, is this what's supposed to be happening?" Shiro glanced.

"Let's give it some time." He told us all.

"Well, I can't wait around anymore. I'm going to hit the training deck." Keith walked off.

"Okay, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the lab.
Maybe I can pull some information from Sendak's Galra crystal." Pidge added.

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