05 - complications

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*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*

"Hey, let's grab a bite to eat here! I know the owners and they don't discriminate." You and the boys had been walking for a half hour, until Hoseok dragged you to a small town that he insisted made the best food. You all complied, though Yoongi looked annoyed and then you remembered he didn't eat human food.

"Will you be okay, Yoongi?" He nodded.

"I ate quite recently if you remember, so I'll be okay for another day or so." You nodded and turned your attention to Hobi who led you all to some seats outside. The weather was nice and sunny and you couldn't help but compare Hoseok to the sun, as his personality was so warm. You couldn't believe that you were originally scared to meet the dragon, how lucky you got.

The four of you sat down and you skimmed the menu before deciding on a toasted sandwich, while the others got the same and Yoongi just a glass of water. "Do you enjoy human food, Yoongi?" He shrugged.

"Like I can taste it all and stuff but it doesn't sustain me." He avoided your eyes as he looked around and you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"So," Jimin clapped his hands together. He was seated next to you while Yoongi and Hoseok were across from you both. "How do you two know each other?"

Hoseok smiled and glanced at Yoongi who was looking down. "Well, he wandered into my cave by accident and I helped him heal after an altercation with some hunters. From then on we became friends!" You caught Yoongi's small smile and couldn't stop the small blush that rose to your cheeks. He had the cutest gummy smile.

"Yoongi having friends?" Jimin let out a small chuckle, but immediately stopped when Yoongi shot him a glare.

"Is that hard to believe?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow and tilted his head causing Jimin's face to go bright red. He tried to curl his wings over his figure but failed when he realised you were sitting next to him and there were chairs blocking him. "Aw, is the little angel embarrassed?" You tried to hide your laugh but failed as Jimin's face went even redder if that was even possible.

"Don't laugh, Resi. It's way easier to make you flustered." Jimin threw you under the bus and you stopped laughing as Yoongi turned his attention onto you, while Hoseok raised an eyebrow.

"Is it now?" Yoongi's voice was low and sent chills down your spine. Luckily, the waiter came back with your food and you were saved from whatever embarrassment he was about to put you through. The three of you dug into your food while Yoongi sipped his glass of water. You almost moaned at the taste. You rarely had nicely cooked food like this, living on your own had made you poor and all you could afford were noodles most of the time.

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