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I sat above, dangling my legs over the sides. Daryl was being me pacing around. We were all talking about the recent events and how we were going to handle them. We couldn't go outside. The wood pellets wouldn't hold to those bullets. It was useless.

"We just gonna sit here like rats." Merle said from the other side of the gate. I leaned my head against the cold railing as I looked over at the guy. He looked bored, "what do you suggest we do?" Rick asked angrily and Merle looked up at me and then back down, "we should've slipped out last night."

I heard Daryl behind me say, "we ain't scared of that prick." I lightly chuckled and thought.

Easy for you to say

But kept it to myself.

"Y'all should be. What he just did. That was just ringing the doorbell. We've got some thick walls to protect us, but he's got guns, numbers. Hell, he gets the high ground around this place, he could starve us out if he wanted to." Merle's voice echoed through the prison, all of us where shaken by his sudden burst of reality.

"Let's put him in another cell." Maggie blurted out but Daryl said, "no, he's gotta point."

Maggie then cried out, "this was you. You started this!" She faced him but I snapped, "it doesn't matter who's fault it is. What do we do?" I looked down at Rick who was standing there listening to us all. Hershel from the stairs said, "I say we leave. Axels dead. We can't just sit here." His voice seemed scared but he kept it firm. Rick looked down at Hershel before turning on his heel and made his way towards the exit. But before he could make it out, Hershel stood from his spot and yelled, "Get back here!" I stood from my spot and looked at Daryl who also seemed taken aback a little.

Rick didn't turn around. Just stopped. Hershel made his way over towards him. I then made my way to the top of the stairs and watched the scene play out.

"You're slipping Rick. We see it. We understand why. But now is not the time. You once said that this wasn't a democracy, now is your time to own up to that. I put my family's lives in your hands. So get your head clear, and do something." He spat and we watched as Rick turned around and looked at Hershel. It felt like a wake up call. To all of us. To Rick mostly but we all needed to do something. I gulped as Rick looked at the rest of us and nodded slowly. He then turned around and headed to the corridors.

We all watched and then I turned my attention towards Daryl who was already looking at me. I walked closer as he pulled me into my cell and I crossed my arms in front of my body, "so, what do you make of all this?" I asked motioning towards Rick going absolutely bonkers and his brother. He took in a deep breath before leaning his back on the wall, "Rick is loosing it, but we need him. Merle is an asshole, I'll admit that but he's right about the governor. He's not gonna stop until we are all dead." He admitted and I looked into his eyes before sitting down on my bed. He noticed my change in positions, so he bent down in front of me.

"Did you know? When you met us that we were the group he told ya about?" He asked curiously searching my eyes. His voice remained calm and collective and I wanted it to stay that way, "when T-Dog and Glenn came that night, he said Merle's name. That's when I realized that it was your group. Then I found out who you were, his brother. I was gonna tell ya but you had Sophia, and then after that when everything happened, I felt like we were in such a bad spot that-" I started but Daryl stood from his spot and took a step back, "well, no point in arguing. I'm done arguing, especially with that- man comin' to kill us all." He then looked around my cell. I stood up and walked near him.

"I was going to tell you this before I left for the run with Glenn, but D, I want to be with you. When that prisoner Oscar pointed out all those things it made me realize that the only time I'm truly happy, when I thank whoever and whatever started this apocalypse, is when I'm with you." I admitted watching his face for a response. His face remained still, like he was still processing everything i was saying. I knew I regretted nothing, not a single word I said. He just pushed himself closer to me, put a hand on my cheek and leaned down kissing my lips softly. It was a sweet kiss, slow, but full of passion. When we pulled away he searched my eyes and then whispered, "you're the reason I'm here, why I couldn't stay with Merle out there. I want to be with you. I was just too pussy to say it first." I gave him a smile before we leaned in once again but heard the sound of Rick yell for our names.

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