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After we got back and Rick was in fact not here, we ended up in the living room getting checked out by Patricia who confirmed that I had a small concussion. She gave me some pill and told me to take it easy. Daryl knelt in front of me and I looked down at him with waiting for him to talk.

"You could've died." He spoke quickly and sternly.

"I had to leave, I couldn't of been in this house with Maggie not after-" I started but Daryl stood up and then raised his voice, "that don't matter right now!" This made everyone in the room look over at us, Patricia, Shane, Carl.

I ran a hand through my hair and carefully stood from the couch. I took his arm and we walked into the hallway away from people. When we reached our destination I pulled my hand back and then searched his eyes.

"Daryl, you and I, we aren't together. I'm not your responsibility." I harshly said which caused Daryl to shrug and then take a step away, "fine, ya don't want my help. Go out. Go die." Then he turned on his heel and walked towards the front door.

I stood there for what felt like hours but really was only a couple minutes when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned my head and saw Maggie leaning against the wall.

"I have nothing to say to you." I stated coldly but was shocked by her hugging me tightly. I didn't know what to do. The hug was over as soon as it started because I didn't have time to figure out if I wanted to hug back.

"I know you hate me, but I'm just glad you're okay." She spoke quickly and then she pushed past me leaving me alone to my thoughts.


I sat on the couch next to Lori talking to her when we heard a car. We both looked at each other and then headed outside to see Rick, Hershel, and Glenn get out of the car. My eyes fell onto Hershel, he seemed better than before but he still seemed disassociated from life.

Rick ran to Lori, Maggie ran to Glenn and T-Dog pointed out to two people in the back seat. Curious, I slowly walked to the back seat were my heart dropped. I then took a couple steps back running into Maggie who wore the same expression as me. I had no idea who the person who was passed out was. But the blonde who was blindfolded was someone I thought was out of my life forever.

"Hershel, lets stitch him up," Rick started pointing towards the car and I looked at Maggie who didn't know what to say or even do for me.

"What about the other?" Maggie asked which made Shane tense up as he forcefully said, "put him in the barn." I gulped and then looked between Maggie and the boy.

"I'll do it." I found myself saying before I could stop myself. The men, including Hershel were hesitant but then they eventually agreed and I opened the car door to the blonde. He was sitting patently. I knew as soon as he heard my voice he'd know where he was and who I am.

"James." I whispered and then I waited for his response. I could see his eyes but I could see the sudden face fall and then a small smile grew on his lips.



I moved him to the barn, I knew Hershel didn't know who this was. I never brought him around when Hershel was home. There would be too many questions to answer. So I kept him quiet. For 3 years.

James was the high school boyfriend. The one I always thought I'd be with forever.

I took his blindfold off and then our eyes connected after what felt like forever. He looked me up and down and then smirked, "damn, totally thought you'd be dead." I scoffed and then pushed him backwards against the wall sending him down.

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