When Maggie and I got back, a guy with a boy in his arms was visible. I noticed the blood straight away. All over the boys middle and all over the man who was carrying him,

"Please-please save my boy!" His voice was in a sobbing panic. Hershel looked at everyone and quickly nodded, "get him inside. Patricia get Sonny's room ready!" Then everyone disappeared inside.

Otis and some other guy were behind us. This guy was a sharp looking dude. He looked like he was in the army, he was big and built. He was pushing Otis and when they reached us, Otis looked at us, "I shot- I thought-" he was out of breath.

"Your boy shot a deer. When through it and hit my boy!" The stranger said, he voice was sharp and angry. If you looked hard enough you could see flames in his eyes.

I stayed quiet, looking at Maggie with a worried look. She avoided my gaze and walked past me into the house. I knew we had a lot to talk about but right now there was a boy, a young boy in this house who had been shot. I sat my ass down on the porch stairs and pressed my head into my hands. When did life get so messed up?

About 15 minutes went by when Patricia and the guy who carried to boy came out. He looked in shock, like it hadn't processed all the way yet. He had blood on his hands and tears soaking his entire face. The other guy went up to him to help him out, Otis and I walked back inside with Patricia.

Otis hugged her. His shoulders started to shake, I decided to walk into the kitchen to give them some privacy. When I walked in, I saw Maggie leaning against the counter staring out the window at the two men who showed up. When I got closer she looked at me with uneasy eyes.

It took me a minute, the next words that came out of my mouth seemed harder to say, "I'm sorry." I said above a whisper.

She looked away, "back to what you said, if I believed him? I mean, if I don't then what else is there?" She never put her eyes on me. She just stared out the window. I stood beside her and followed her eyes to the men outside. Both sitting and trying to get the blood off his hands.

"Us. The people who are alive." I let the words roll off my tongue. Her eyes finally snapped to me, her eyebrows stitched together as I met her eyes but quickly looked away.

I continued, "everyone in that barn is dead. They don't remember who they were or what they did or didn't do. We have all lost people we care about but it's the living you need to worry about. Keeping a barn full of walkers- it's not safe. They could get out, come and eat us while we are asleep. It don't matter who they are, they don't remember you."

We stood in silence. Maggie taking in the words I just said, and to be honest, I took them in to. The living is who you needed to worry about now. The dead are just in the way, but they aren't here. No matter who they are. You mourn them, you bury them, then you go on. It's how life worked now.

"I'm going to go check on them." I said, grabbing a cup from a cabinet and filling it with water.

Before I left I said, "just think about it." And turned on my heel and went to the men.

When I opened the door, both their eyes turned to me which made me a little uncomfortable but I pushed it away. I handed him the glass of water which is took gratefully, he nodded towards me.

"Is he your son?" I questioned.

"Aye, girl. Leave him alone-" the other guy started but was cut off by his friend.

"Shane, it's fine."

Shane glared at me before walking off to probably get some space. Which I respected, I then made the decision to sit beside the guy in the sheriff uniform. He looked at me which a weak smile, "yes. He's mine."

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