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He forced me up, yanking me by the hair until I stood up straight. I wanted to bend down and grab my shirt and bra but he yanked me up again and said, "no, you don't deserve those." He then shoved me towards the door. I kept my arms over my breast as I was shown two men in a hallway. One I knew, when he saw me his eyes widened.

"Hey now whatcha do to her?" Merle became tense as he looked at the governor and then me shirtless. I tried my hardest to keep my face numb and to show no emotion but I knew my face was going to tense up at the sound of this mans voice.

"Careful Merle, your soft side is showing." He spat at the red neck who gave me a worried look. It kind of almost looked apologetic in a way. He then looked back at the governor and straightened himself out before nodding, "best pray that one of these two will give it up." He mumbled before opening up the door that I knew was where they stashed Glenn. 

First Merle and the Hispanic man walked in, holding guns in case Glenn tried anything. Then the governor pushed me in. Glenn saw me and then tightened the weapon in his hand and started after us but the Hispanic man pointed his heavy machine gun at me. I tensed as I took in his features. Both eyes were bruised and already becoming purple and black. His nose was gushing blood and he looked like he just killed a walker by the dead man on the ground.

"We're through playing games." The governor tightened his grip on me as I stiffened my posture and then heard the sound of his gun cock next to my ear, "now one of you is going to tell me where this damn camp is." I then felt the cool metal press against my temple as I stared at Glenn who was hesitant but I knew that we couldn't give it away. I shook my head softly and mouthed, it's okay.

Glenn closed his eyes as I felt the gun deep deeper into my skin causing me to wince in pain. He then opened them and muttered, "the prison!" I then let out a breath as the gun lowered to the ground, Merle asked, "the one near Nunez?" I gulped as I heard the governor ask in my ear, "that place is overrun."

I nodded and croaked out, "we took it." He then pressed the gun back into my temple as I tensed up and closed my eyes feeling a tear fall quickly, "how many?" He asked and I let out, "10." In a scared breath and he chuckled and then took the gun away, "10 people cleared out a prison full of walkers?" He chuckled and then took a step away. He looked between me and Glenn before lifting his gun and quickly walking to Glenn. I started to make my way towards him but I was pushed back by Merle who shook his head.

"Dammit. We gave you what we wanted! Let us go!" I yelled which caused the governor to turn around and give me a small smile. He then slowly made his way to me before shh me and stroking my cheek. I pulled away but he kept getting closer, I let a tear fill my eye as I winced. His touch made shivers go up my spin as I wished I had my shirt on right now. The more I pulled away the more he pressed my body into his, bringing me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

He then pushed me towards Glenn and without thinking I hugged him. He hugged me back as I cried. I knew that I was naked from the waist up but at that point with everything we've been through I didn't care. I sobbed into his shoulder as he hugged me and quieted me down telling me that our group was going to find us. After I heard the door click, I backed away from Glenn covering my breasts and then leaned against the wall letting a couple more tears fall.

"Here." Glenn said handing me his shirt, I gave him a small smile before putting it on. It fit fine and had his blood and sweat on it but I'd rather have it on than be topless. He sat beside me, he was breathing heavily from the recent events that was now sprawled on the floor.

"Well, bright side, if we weren't very close before we definitely bonded now." I managed to say, my voice a little shaky. Glenn chuckled and stretched his legs, "I think I found out why your parents named you Sunshine." His weak voice made out in a whisper. I looked over at him and rose an eyebrow, "oh this ought to be interesting." I chuckled.

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