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I ran outside, everyone noticed that the herd was coming. People were passing out guns and Daryl and Glenn were back. Daryl searched and finally found my eyes. He gave me a nod and then he said, "everyone get into cars, we got to move! I'll go try to distract so that we can get off."

I wanted to protest but he already was on his bike, going around the property. I decided to get Maggie and Beth in a car. I looked at her but she shook her head and went to Glenn. I nodded and then realized that walkers were starting to approach. I took my gun and started to shoot them. I then realized that I had no knife, I gave it to James.


I shot walker after walker. I was running when I noticed Beth and Lori were trying to get to a truck. I ran towards them and Beth was hanging onto Patricia. I was busy keeping walkers away from Hershel that the sound of screaming made me turn my head. Patricia was being bit by a walker, she wasn't letting go of Beth's hand.

I screamed no but Lori eventually got Beth away and they got into the truck, t-dog with them. I sighed in relief when I turned to Hershel, "we gotta go now." He didn't listen just continued to shoot.

"Hershel!" I screamed. He wasn't going to make it, not by just shooting. He would run out of bullets, he would be taken. There's too many.

"Please, you gotta stay alive! Get in the truck!" I screamed which made him turn his head, he nodded and took my hand as we ran through the field and Hershel got in the truck. I was about to get in when I heard a scream.

I turned my head and then looked at T-Dog, he shook his head telling me to not go but I didn't listen. I turned on my heel and ran through the grass, shooting everything in my path. That's when I heard the scream again and saw Beth's boyfriend Jimmy's boyfriend being eaten by a walker in the RV. I cursed and then watched as the barn was starting to light on fire.

I screamed and ran away. This would be the distraction. I had to go. I didn't have a car, I only had my legs but I knew I could do it. Just go into the wood and run. I then lifted my gun at a walker coming towards me but it only clicked, I was out. I cursed loudly and then tried to avoid the grasp. But I couldn't. I was knocked down. I screamed and tried to stand but I felt a hand grab my ankle.

This was it.

I closed my eyes and waited for my life to be over but that's when I heard a swish and I turned and saw an arrow in the walkers skull. Then I saw a Daryl on his motorcycle. He motioned me to hurry up and get on the bike. I nodded standing up quickly and getting on the back. Then we took off on the road. Before we left I turned my head.

The barn was lit brightly, about to break any second. Walkers covered the ground and were all on the porch. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms tightly around Daryl's body. Then I decided that the motor was loud enough so I started to bawl. The only place I really considered home, was now overrun.

I laid my head down on his back, I listened to the sound of groans and wind. Then we reached the freeway were a bunch of cars had piled up at. We were the only ones there. When we came to a stop, I hoped off and then walked to a car that had supplies on it. Then on the windshield it had a message for Sophia. I closed my eyes and realized this must be where they were before the farm.

I then felt Daryl walk up beside me and I turned and looked at him, "I'm sorry." He whispered and I shook my head and whipped away from left over water under my eyes.

"Aren't we all?" I whispered.

Daryl and I sat against the car for what felt like forever until I saw two cars pull in. I sighed with relief when I saw the truck and then Maggie and Glenn, in the back they had Carol. Soon after Rick, and Carl showed up. I ran to Hershel, Beth, and Maggie and hugged them all tightly.

After we all exchanged grateful hugs, I looked around and noticed two others missing, "Where's Andrea?" I asked which made everyone go silent and look around.

When Andrea was missing, people started to get tense and then grief washed over them. She didn't make it. Jimmy, Andrea, and Shane. They all didn't make it. I looked at Beth who was clinging to her father. Poor girl.

That night, we built a fire just off the freeway. We all sat around trying to warm up. Lori seemed blank holding onto Carl. Daryl seemed pissed as he stood behind the group keeping watch with T-Dog.

"I have a story. It's about my old dog named River. He was a black lab and had one eye that was blue. He was beautiful but one day he ran away-" I started and watched as everyone turned their attention on me.

"Oh. I remember this." Hershel said as I smiled at him then continued.

"I brought him over to Maggie's, you know for the space. All that dog wanted to do was run. My place was too small." I lightly chuckled and then I locked eyes with Daryl who was listening, "anyway, he ran away for the whole day. I was at the house freaking out. I cried because I loved that dog. Then Hershel came back, river was with him."

Hershel and I exchanged a look before I continued, "moments like this. When it's quiet and we feel like the world is gonna crash, I like to think of the past. Before I had to fight for my life from those things. But I know we'll make it out." I spoke lightly, I felt Beth grab my hand and squeezed it tightly. I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile.


Later that night people were starting to doze off. It was my turn to keep watch and I was alright with that. It gave me time to think, about everything. The barn, James, Daryl, all of it. Hopefully James got away before the herd.

"Need company?" I heard carol say behind me, I turned my head and nodded.

She stood beside me, her presence always seemed to calm me down. I'm sure that we would've been really great friends before all of this. It was silent until she sighed and then spoke, "before we got to the farm, I had a husband. His name was Ed. He- died," she started and I touched her arm but she shook her head, "bastard had it coming. He was an abusive man who I always made excuses for. He was bit and I put him down. After that day, I felt," she paused for a second looking for the right word, "the most powerful I've ever felt in my life. Then, Sophia went missing, and then- well, you know." Her voices danced around, but I wasn't sure where she was going with this.

"I think about how this apocalypse has shaped me, has put me into the path of everyone in that circle. That even know I have lost my entire family, I know I still have people."

It was silent, I turned my head to see everyone huddled. Carl was laying on his moms lap. Rick was sitting a little ways from them trying to keep his eye on them. Then I saw Daryl. He was cleaning his arrows not even noticing that I was lingering my gaze on him. I wish we had more time, to figure out what we have started. I wish we weren't always scared for our lives.

"I see the way you two look at each other." Carol interrupted my thoughts as I looked over at her.

"What?" I asked curiously but carol just smirked and then lightly pushed me. I shook my head.

"Even though life is crashing and we aren't doing the best, we are all together for a reason." Carol said as she wiggled her eyebrows and I lightly chuckled.

"Go try and sleep." She smiled at me and I protested but she shook her head and motioned me towards the fire. I gave up and then walked away.

Maybe she's right. Maybe the apocalypse would give me something good for once.

Authors note

Hey everyone reading this story. I just want to say, sorry for this short chapter and sorry for taking so long to post it. I've been so busy with school and I'm going to try to post more.

Thank you to everyone voting and adding to your list. Thank you for the comments. I enjoy them all.

My question is do you guys like Daryl and Sunshine or James and Sunshine?

Thank you!

SunshineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon