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8 months later.

It's colder by the minute. Winter has been brutal and we still haven't found a good shelter to rely on. We jump house to house, sometimes we stay in storage units. Our food source is running low, don't get me started on water and on top of that, Lori is due any day now.

Since that day the farm went down, Rick has been colder than the weather. Something clicked in his brain that day. I remember that day so clearly. He told us we were all infected, that he killed Shane, and that he basically was our "dictator" in this fucked up world.

We all walked in silence, carrying our weight heavily as we were all tired. Carol walked beside me, she held a gun in her hand. Maggie was on my other side. I wish I could say that the farm was our forever home, but at the end of the day, it's gone and I have to accept that.

"There." Rick pointed to a house close by, "we camp there until the morning. Keep it low." That's when Daryl looked at me and I nodded.

Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, Rick and I have become the group who inspects buildings before letting the rest in. When we got to the front door, I stood on one side, Daryl on the other. We looked into each other's eyes and I mouthed,

"1...2...3" before he kicked the door open, he held his crossbow in the arm and I held my gun up. I heard footsteps behind me as rick came up beside me and motioned for me to go check the kitchen. I followed his orders and then walked into the kitchen.

There were no signs of walkers, not even dried blood on the walls. I kept my gun steady and opened the door which led to a garage. I knocked on the wall beside me waiting for any dead one to come out of the darkness of the cement room but when none did, I closed the door. That's when I heard Rick yell, "all clear." When I knew this house was safe.

I yelled it back and then walked towards the cabinets. I opened each almost cautiously hoping they would be as full as I remember pantries used to be. Each one I opened, the emptier my stomach felt. Nothing. I sighed and slammed one shut.

"Got an attitude?" I heard the strong southern accent behind me. It went goosebumps up my spine. I turned around quickly and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't know what to say, my stomach is empty." I groaned and then motioned towards my stomach, Daryl eyed down and then looked back up at me, "I could fix that." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Dixon." I smirked and then walked beside him and then we walked towards the rest of the group together. I sat down on the couch, Daryl standing beside me, leaning against a wall. Stuff has been weird between us since the farm. We've actually developed a good bond with some weird flirting intertwined. We've been good and actually talking. We haven't talk about our kiss and James yet, but maybe we will sometime. Hopefully.

My thoughts were interrupted by Carl opening a can. I turned my head to see it was dog food. We all stared at the poor child who looked skinner and skinner by the day. No one said a word, what is there to say? We've had worse days. Some days we didn't even have a house. Rick walked over to Carl and snatched the dog food away from him and shook his head.

"Yo." T-Dog said as he motioned out the window to show us some walkers come near us. Damn, we made too much noise. We quickly and quietly picked up all of our stuff, which wasn't a lot, and headed out the back door. Rick led the line and I stayed back making sure everyone was accounted for. Then when I realized we were all here, I followed behind.

We walked for what felt years on an abandoned high way. Cars were parked on the sides, some had walkers biting at windows trying to get us but the lack of intelligence made it so they were stuck in the car forever.

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