30: Settling Disputes

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You're making me strong, you're making me stand

Never will fall, never will end

Shot like a rocket up into the sky

Nothing could stop me tonight

Invincible - Skillet

Thor watched the classes making progress in the training hall. There were all different levels of warriors throughout the room. Normal soldiers learning new combinations and attacks; men training to be under the command of the Warrior's Three, Fandral, Hogan, and Volstaag; and women training to be Valkyries. As he paced the outer skirts of the room, he noticed none other than Sif and Valkyrie demonstrating battle techniques and sequences. He made eye contact with Valkyrie after they'd dismissed a group of trainees to experiment with the combination. The warrior approached him with a smile and nod of greeting.

"Your majesty." She glanced back over her students for a moment. "How may I be of assistance?" Thor looked over the room with her.

"I'm just observing, that's all. You're teaching them well. The Valkyrie will be prominent once more, I hope." She crossed her arms over her chest, face painted with uncertainty. She wore her traditional Valkyrie uniform, adorned with white leather and a deep blue cape. Her dark, textured hair cascaded freely around her shoulders unlike Sif, who had collected her hair into a tight ponytail. The Goddess of War also wore her normal clothing, a combination of silver armor and red leather. Her boots climbed up to her knees and she kept her sword sheathed across her back. Sif was walking through and observing the students, correcting their form and offering feedback.

"They need work, that's for sure," She retorted. Thor nudged Valkyrie's shoulder playfully.

"Take it easy on them. Not all of them are originals." He offered her a lopsided smile. "Things take time. You of all people would know that best." The woman nodded but her perplexed look prolonged. The pair's attention was stolen when they heard an impressed whistle from the entrance of the hall. It was Clint.

"Nice place," He complimented while clapping Thor on the back. The Asgardian smiled at his friend and turned to face him and the rest of the group, which consisted of a majority of the Avengers team, as well as Loki and Liz. Thor raised a curious brow at them. They were walking farther behind the group, still staying with them, but also maintaining their own privacy and distance. Nat looked around at the large room of training soldiers. She saw that almost half of them were women, and instantly turned her attention to Valkyrie.

"Thor mentioned that you're training an elite group of women," She told her with admiration. "Are they as good as he makes them sound?" Valkyrie smiled wearily yet humorously at the redhead before they both looked over the pairs of women practicing form and force.

"Their technique will come in time," The warrior implied. Suddenly a tall brunette woman joined their conversation. Valkyrie recognized her as Angela Castens, remembering that she was the partial reason Thor wanted to have the Asgardian Ball in the first place. She recalled how Thor had graciously offered her his Mjolnir as a blessing of his gratitude for protecting Asgard as the hammer hung from her hand. Angela placed an elbow on Nat's shoulder, a suggestive grin coating her face.

"I sense a sparring match approaching," Valkyrie smirked as she glanced between the women. It was nice to be around women that could kick ass just as much as she could. Soon Sif was walking toward them with a stern look on her face. She stopped next to Valkyrie. Sif nodded to the women, who had gained three new members: Wanda, Claire, and Liz.

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