9: Silent Alliance

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He got the green eyes, givin' me signs that

he really wants to know my name, hey

I saw you lookin' from across the way and

suddenly I'm glad I came

South of the Border - Ed Sheeran & Camila Cabello

Liz could feel the rising and falling of her chest as she stared at the words typed at the bottom of the screen. It was a confirmation that ten missiles were set on course to reach Asgard. And they have just departed minutes ago. Her stomach swirled with deadly anticipation as her fingers drew her toothpick from her mouth slowly. That meant the mastermind of HYDRA was still somewhere in this building. Hopefully, Fury was able to sniff him out before he could escape. Liz could hear Loki's footsteps nearing her. She was nervous about his reaction. She could sense him lean over her shoulder from the corner of her eye. She swallowed, the closeness between them slightly unnerving yet comfortable. She was so tense she thought she'd snap at him like a rabid dog if he got any closer. Loki clenched his jaw tightly when he read the departure records. What was he thinking? He never should have left Asgard. He was a fool. Of course the universe would want to butt-fuck him like this. Anything bad would be deemed acceptable towards Loki according to what he'd done in the past. Loki always felt he was somewhat bad luck to people. Nothing good ever resulted in his presence alone. 

"Before you flip the fuck out, just give me a second to work my magic, alright?" Loki's brows creased as she closed out of the digital window and opened a new one. Her nimble fingers reached into her belt and retrieved a small hard drive. '  

"And what exactly does a mortal like yourself plan to do?" His body felt as if it were on fire from his lividness. "My home will be burned to ashes because of your kind," He ranted angrily as he raised from his leaned position. Liz ignored him and entered the drive into the computer, billions of green codes scrolling and filling the screen as she began typing again. Loki laughed stiffly with fake amusement. "You know, nothing good ever comes from you and your pathetic planet. I should have destroyed it when I'd gotten the chance." Liz turned abruptly, her eyes blazing as she unknowingly let her toothpick slip from her fingers. 

"This mortal," She dared mocking him once more. "Just lowered the chances of your precious planet being blown up by seventy fucking percent." She had been able to deactivate seven of the missiles while they were still close, but three had slipped just past range and she couldn't reach them. She was proud of herself for being able to get rid of most of them, but it still wasn't enough. "You ungrateful, greedy bastard." Loki advanced toward her dangerously. Liz glared at him, a knife instantly pressing against the skin of his neck. "I fucking dare you to try," Liz pried as she forcefully shoved him away from her. Loki allowed her to turn back around and continue with her work on the computer, forcing his rage down his throat as his ears fumed. This girl was driving him absolutely mad. He so desperately wanted to put her in her place, teach her that she was so much less than he was. Liz smirked to herself with her back facing Loki. She could practically feel the pure rage rolling off of him. Liz noticed a phone a few feet away and snatched it into her hand, quickly dialing a number and waiting anxiously as the tone rang. Come on, Nat, pick up. She was greeted by voicemail. "For fuck's sake," She muttered impatiently to herself. Loki was leaning against a table, his arms crossed as he watched her over his golden-clothed shoulder with tense eyes. Liz dialed again then replaced the phone back to her ear. Ringing... ringing... ringing... voicemail. She dropped the phone against the table in frustration, her fingers ripping her hard drive from the computer and shoving it back into her small pocket. A second later her fist smashed into the glass screen. The shattered glass scattered around the keyboard on the table. Loki flinched. You could now see the wires and coding on the inside. Liz gripped a gun in her hand and stalked back towards the doors. Loki watched her with a raised eyebrow, his movements stilled as he waited for her next move. Liz turned back to him, her face tight with determination.

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