8: Over-Confident

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I'm gonna sit back and watch my flag ascend

I won't talk myself up, I don't need to pretend

You won't see me coming 'til it's too late again

My Name Is.. - Once Monsters 

Liz listened as the jet's turbines began to spin rapidly and the low shudders of the engine rumbled. The flight machine was roaring to life in minutes, and soon it was flying through the air headed to take on a much larger threat than there would be here. Liz approached Fury and Agent Hill. Maria had just exited out the back of a large truck, Fury leaning against the hood in the front. They exchanged a few inaudible words before they both noticed the jet lifting off. Fury eyed Liz with disbelief as he watched Nat zoom through the sky. 

"Where is Agent Romanoff going?" He asked disruptively. 

"I've instructed her to retreat back to New York," Liz answered bluntly as her toothpick pressed into her lips. 

"You instructed her?" He asked sassily. "Is your name Director Fury?" Her eyes narrowed at the dark-skinned man. Agent Hill watched Liz intently as she wondered how this was going to play out for her. 

"Your name doesn't matter," Liz challenged as she stepped up close to the man. She knew she was greatly pushing her limits, but this guy was sending her all the wrong signals, and she didn't like that he thought he could boss her around. She'd been polite once, never again. "HYDRA has just released four extremely dangerous weapons onto New York City and your precious Avengers team is going to need all the help they can possibly get. If you haven't noticed already, we are no longer under the radar and our positions are completely compromised. All we have left to do is play smart and hope that we make the right moves, Eyepatch." Her voice was testing and cold as she sneered at the director. He showed no emotion as his good eye narrowed at her, but she didn't care. She would do anything for Nat, and if Nat needs her help doing this then that's what she was going to do. "So yes, I ordered Agent Romanoff back. And if that's a problem then you can get the hell out of my way while I do the dirty work." Liz could see Maria cross her arms in the corner of her eye, a sly smile covering her lips as she waited for the Director to respond. She had a beautiful smile as she spoke.

"Didn't think you'd get another Steve Rodgers, did ya?" Liz smirked with a raised eyebrow at Maria's comment, but her eyes remained on Fury in front of her. After a few underlying seconds between their headbutting, the director smiled softly. Liz didn't know whether she should be pleased or keep her guard up. 

"Romanoff chose well," He spoke loudly over the rising wind around them. Liz didn't particularly understand what that meant. Was he talking about the mission? Or was he talking about her? "I'm assuming you have a code name like our lead ex-assassin?" He asked almost mockingly. 

"Cheshire." She watched as he nodded in slight fascination. Agent Hill started walking towards the truck she'd come out of before. 

"Well, Cheshire," Liz followed the woman towards the back end of the truck. "You're going to need a different outfit." Liz gave her a judgemental once-over. 

"What's wrong with what I've got on now?" Maria smiled at her knowingly from over her shoulder and rounded the truck to grasp the handles on the back doors. 

"You won't last a second if you get shot." Maria's eyes shone as the harsh sun beat down on them from above. "Trust me, after you see this, you'll want to change." With those words being said, Maria pulled on the handles of the double doors, letting them swing open to reveal what lay inside. Liz's eyes instantly twinkled at the sight. Inside laid dozens of different kinds of technological equipment. The inside of the truck was practically glowing with a blue haze from everything. "Everything inside here is set up to create a suit on the go," Maria explained. Liz looked down at the brown-eyed agent next to her. 

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