32: Reflections

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You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low

Beautiful Thing - Gracie VandrWaal


She followed him reluctantly, their feet echoing gently in the halls of the palace. The light from the crimson sky poured into the corridors through the windows and open concept pillars. It blinded Liz when she was caught off guard and forgot how bright the sun was. Loki still held her hand solemnly in his own as he showed her through the twists and turns of the hallways that all seemed to be exactly the same. Liz was partially grateful, mostly because she still wasn't familiar with the large palace and wasn't completely sure where to go.

There were a million thoughts running through her head as they continued walking together. What did he mean when he told her he was going to show her who he really was? Was there more to the story than she thought? Was he going to cut off their dispute and insist they stop playing their game? She really hoped not... she was just starting to get to know him. Whether she liked it or not, she was starting to fall in... the thought of it made her practically gag. Not her feelings for Loki. The word, love. As if he sensed her sudden discomfort, Loki squeezed her hand reassuringly. She glanced up at the side of his face as she trailed a little farther behind him. He had that look again; that hard look that meant something was bothering him.

The pair paused slightly as Loki opened his door with a low click, then guided her in before him. He closed the door quickly, making sure to keep the noise at a minimum. Liz looked around his room. It was large like all the rest of them but noticeably lived in. The vanity sat in the same place as the one in her own room, next to the balcony doors. Although, he had green curtains hanging over the windows of the doors. She also noticed that much of his decoration was green as well. The only difference in color seemed to be the black carpet covering the floor. Otherwise, his sheets were green, pillows and furniture somehow adorned with green, you name it. The cream walls balanced out the overload of color. She pondered over to his bed and rubbed the sheets between her fingers, remembering how she'd done the same action to Loki back in New York to his shirt collar. Silk.

Her attention was briskly whisked away when she felt a hand on her face. It pulled her toward the person responsible and startled her thoughts. Her eyes struck Loki's face with shock. She hadn't been expecting him to act so forward with her. Or rather, so intimate or touchy. Not to say that she didn't like it. His fingers on her cheek felt like pop rocks against her skin.

"Elizabeth." His voice was low and triggering. It kickstarted her emotions into something she'd never felt before; felt for him before. She looked into his eyes. The green of his irises churned with anticipation and emotion. His lips were parted and he looked at her gently. But deep in his eyes, she could see it. He looked... afraid. Why was he afraid?

She allowed her fingers to brush the back of his palm. The air between them was the thickest it's ever been before, and soon Liz found it hard to breathe.

"I'm going to show you something... something that you might not like." Her brows creased intently as she continued to gaze up at him. Liz felt her heart lurching toward him, almost as if pressing against her rib cage to try to get closer. The look in his eyes was eating her alive. Loki had never shown her this kind of emotion before. She was starting to get worried.

She felt him brush his thumb softly along her cheekbone. "You must promise me something." Liz blinked at him, her face still representing her confusion regarding his transparent words. There was no clarity in them; they only provoked the mystery of his reasoning. He didn't wait for her to answer. "Promise me you won't be afraid." She shook her head at him and ran her fingers along his hand.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora