20: Inner Battles

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I'm currently obsessed with this video so please enjoy it with me :P

No one will ever see this side reflected

And if there's something wrong, who would have guessed it?

And I have left alone everything that I own

To make you feel like it's not too late, it's never too late

Never Too Late - Three Days Grace

"What do you mean you can't make it?" Liz asked firmly. She was on the phone with Natasha. Nat was supposed to help her with the mob situation that happened when Liz was in America. Of course, Liz had done her research and face-scanned all security cameras in the building during the time that it happened. The equipment from SHIELD really was a big help in doing so. She'd brought some back from America when she flew back to Europe. Nat helped her pick out the pieces as their deal promised. She'd even gained possession of one of the suit-creation technology pieces from Egypt.

"Something came up Liz, I'm sorry. My team needs me here."

"We've been planning this for two weeks, Nat."

"I know, but it just doesn't work right now," She told her. Liz sighed with frustration and bit her cheek to keep her attitude in check. She knew that once Nat made up her mind nothing could change it, no matter how drastic or important the situation might be. In Nat's defense, murdering people probably wasn't one of her top priorities. "I can practically hear you rolling your eyes." Liz offered a breathy laugh.

"You would know, I picked up the attitude from you."

"Eh, that's debatable," Nat's monochromatic voice paused for a moment. Even without looking at each other's reactions they could tell exactly what the other was feeling based on the tones of each other's voice and firmness. "You're gonna kick ass by yourself, aren't you?"

"You bet your ass I am," Liz smiled as she made her way over to her closet, fingers skimming over the fabric of her different clothing pieces. Nat sighed from the other end of the phone.

"Always doing the fun parts without me."

"Hold the fuck up, who just called to tell me they weren't coming?" She could practically feel Nat smiling with guilt. "That's what I thought." Nat laughed gently.

"Good luck, Liz. I'll keep in touch." And then they hung up. Liz sighed half-heartedly, her emotions mixing like water and oil. She'd wanted to do this as a team, feel that rush and familiarity of fighting alongside Nat. Sure, they'd reunited and worked with each other in Egypt, but there was no combat involved; she did that all by herself. Well... she and a certain sexy Norse god. Liz plucked a black mini dress and leather jacket from her hanging rack. They had competed so fluently with each other, trusted one another, and she was curiously drawn to feeling that again with him, too. Even though they often times furiously butted heads, their chemistry was impeccable and indescribable. Not even her relationship with Nat was this complicated and challenging, and Liz wasn't sure how to feel about it. She was a player, a seducer; she wasn't allowed to feel this closeness with anyone, especially a man.

Yet with Loki, she couldn't seem to help herself.

As she changed into her outfit and slipped on some fishnet garter tights and heels, she reached for the door handle but paused just before her fingers would've touched the cool metal. Her mind raced with doubt and curiosity, yet her body encouraged her to pull through. She was alright with finishing this mission on her own, not to mention more than capable of taking down the number of men she would have to in order to get to the mastermind of the project, yet she couldn't help the calling in her chest, the need to work with a partner. Liz swallowed the growing contemplation rising within her and crossed her arms, still standing in front of her door. She would've looked strange if anyone were watching her basically decide her future. The need to take this risk was eating away at her, and she knew that if she followed through, there would be no going back. Because this mission was a big step above Egypt... it was taking place at a club, one of the sexiest and most sexually intimate places anyone could possibly go for a hot night on the town.

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