Mute (Part 1)

685 12 1

A/N -
Modern AU

Dark's PoV -

     The math teacher rambles on and I only partly listen. From my spot in the back of the room, I scan the class to see if anyone else is paying attention. My eyes instantly land on Link, my secret crush and probably the most popular guy in school. He's wearing his usual green hoody with black jeans. His beautiful blond hair is tied back in a short ponytail. I realize that I'm starring and quickly look away. The teacher is oblivious that he's lost the attention of his class. I listen to Link and his popular friends. I hear them laughing and talking about the upcoming basketball game. Link is the best senior on the team. Next Friday the boy's basketball team is going to state so that's the talk of the school. The bell rings and everyone gathers their things and quickly leaves the class.

     The hallways are bustling and once again I feel invisible. I'm probably what's considered a new student, I arrived here last month. However, I still haven't made any friends and from how things are going I doubt that I will. A student bumps into me but they keep walking. I roll my eyes and continue my school day.

Each new day is like the day before. I travel from class to class and nothing changes. I don't have any friends or even family for that matter to share life with.

One day as I exit the school I catch a glimpse of Link getting into the passenger side of a fancy looking car. I hear yelling coming from inside. Then the car speeds away leaving me to worry about the safety of my crush.

Days pass and Link is not at school. I worry but I know there's nothing I can do to help him. After all, I don't even know if he's in any real danger.

After a week, Link shows up to school again. However, he seems terribly depressed. He's not smiling like usual and he doesn't talk and laugh with his friends. He simply keeps his head down, seemingly avoiding eye contact.

After first hour math, I don't have any more classes with Link. Sometimes I'll see him at lunch or after school but never for very long.

Looking for a way to get out of history class I decide to play sick. I ask to go to the nurse and quickly leave history to wander around the hallways. I hear loud cursing coming from the first floor so I quickly descend the stairs to see what's going on.

At first, I see a group of popular boys basketball players gathered around the lockers. They seem pissed. I crept forward, my curiosity peaked. Then I see poor Link standing in front of the angry guys. He seems scared but determined not to look cowardly. Surprisingly, he isn't saying anything in his defense. He just stands there with pleading eyes. Then the tallest guy throws the first punch. Link falls to the ground with a grunt of pain. He's obviously trying to block the swings being thrown at him. The punches turn into a full-on fight.

I decide that it's time for me to step out of the shadows. "Stop that!" I jump into the fight, trying to protect Link. "Get out of our way," one of the players growls at me.

"No." I state definitely, at least they had stopped throwing punches for now.

Link stood behind me using the lockers as support. "You're pathetic, do you really think you can stand up to us," another popular guy laughs.

"We'll see," I smirk as I pull a knife from my hidden interior jacket pocket.

I knew I had won. Their laughter slowly dies away and they each take a few cautious steps back as if I'm a wild animal. Then they bolt away. I chuckle at my victory, then I remember Link. "Are you okay?" I ask.

Link was still standing with support of the lockers. He said nothing but his appearance spoke for him. He has a black eye and blood trickled from his lower lip. His clothes are disheveled. Overall, he looks miserable. Beautiful as always but miserable all the same.

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