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A/N -
This takes place in the Breath of the Wild Era.

Dark's PoV -

     From my hiding place amongst the rock walls of a small cave. I notice the sun setting. Double checking that I brought my black royal guard sword I exit my hiding place. I scope the area to make sure no one is near. I avoid people as much as I can. Once as a child I wondered into a small town. The citizens seemed to be terrified of me. Women gathered their children, some no older than myself, hiding them behind them as they ran to seek shelter. A few men approached me with swords and pitchforks. They called me a 'monster' and tried to slice me with their weapons. I quickly ran off. Some men pursued me but luckily I was very good at hiding and I managed to loose them. Since then I have never ventured into a town but I have unfortunately meet some more scary people. Travelers, adventure seekers, and treasure hunters tend to roam the abandoned places I call home. Multiple times I have been attacked. They call me 'monster' just as the villagers called me years before. These evil men chase me with swords and spears. They want me dead. Apparently 'monster' organs are worth money and I'm considered a rare monster. Essentially I'm being hunted for sport. Ever since one of these encounters I carry a sword with me so I am able to fight back if needed.

     The sun has fully set now and the moon is nearly full. I enjoy the dull white light of the moon. It always seems to bring me peace. I find a stream with a few fish trying to swim against the current. I take the opportunity to catch a few. Enough to make enough meals to last me a few days. I settle down by the stream and I lay on my back to gaze at the night sky. I must have fallen asleep. I wake to strange voices piercing the tranquil natural sounds of night. I slowly creep forward, my curiosity getting the best of me. "The king must have finally lost his mind, the shadow hero is a myth," states the voice of what sounds to be a young man.

     "I'm not so sure, throughout history legends tell of the dark hero, a supposed evil counterpart of the chosen hero," a young lady's voice states, "history can't be wrong, can it?"

     The young man chuckles in reply, "Regardless, I'm willing to hunt down this demon if it means a 1000 rupy reward," the voices keep getting closer to me. Not far away I see an orange glow of a lantern with two figures huddled together as they walk through the woods. A brown horse follows behind them. I need to get some distance between us. I try to crawl backwards out of the brush I'm hiding in but a stick breaks making a loud crunch. "What was that?!" the lady asks.

     "It was probably just some animal," the man responds.

     My heart is racing. They heard me. I try to slowly inch my way out of the tangles but I only manage to get myself further into the thorns. "No, it's eyes are glowing red!" the woman points out.

     No, no, no... I pry at the brush. Thorns scratching me mercilessly but I don't care. I manage to escape from the thicket. An arrow flys past my head. That was close. I cover my head and run. Trying to keep under the cover of the trees. Pain shoots up my left leg. I look down to find an arrow sticking out of my thigh. I colapse in pain and try to remove the weapon. Two sets of heavy footsteps approach me. Suddenly my head is forced onto the ground by a strong hand. "Don't even think about trying to escape, monster," the man growls at me and I can't help but to feel hurt by that word.

     As if on instinct I growl back. My growl muffled by the dirt my face is being held against.

     "It is the evil hero, we are going to be rich!" the woman cheers.

     The man ties my arms and legs with a strong rope. I'm then forced to lay on my back, my arms painfully held behind me. The man lifts a gleaming traveler's sword high and thrusts it into my chest. Suffocating pain overwhelms me. I cry out for help but no one wants to help a 'monster'. "Look at all the blood it's loosing, that's such a waste, some people say its blood has the power to make one popular," the women groans as she try's to bottle the blood oozing from my chest.

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