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A/N -
Warnings: SA and smut. Stay safe and if you ever need to talk you can PM me.

This chapter takes place in the Breath of the Wild era before the calamity.

P.S. - This takes place months after "Guardian Troubles".

Dark's PoV -

It's early spring and buds on trees and flowers or just starting to come back to life. Sadly that means my heat is coming soon too. Like all the other monsters in Hyrule I will soon be having a week long insaciable need for sex.

I sigh dramatically at the thought. I'm currently resting under a small shade tree near the sacred grounds while attempting to read a book but my mind keeps wandering. This is my first heat with Link as my boyfriend. I should probably tell him about it but it's embarrassing and I hate being generalized as a monster since only monsters and animals have heat.

I put my book back into my bag realizing that I won't be able to get my mind back in the headspace to read. Instead I lay back in the grass and watch the clouds form shapes. It's very relaxing and I'm soon on the precipice of sleep. A loud noise wakes me from my rest. I quickly sit up to find two bokoblins. They make inhuman noises that I understand as their mating call. My face flushes red. Stupid reminder. Stupid for waking me up. Stupid bokoblins. I quickly grab my dark royal guard sword and attack the annoying reminders of what I am. I make quick work of them and their corpses turn to dust. I wipe the bulk of the blood dripping from my sword on the grass.

An older man walks by, having seen my actions. "Look at that, a horny monster killing another horny monster."

Most of the young people of Hyrule accept me but some of the older citizens still despise me. I sigh, "You shouldn't be wandering around this time of year. Stay in town. Monsters are more aggressive when their in heat," I reply biting my tongue to avoid saying anything too rude.

The old man mumbles something but I'm already walking away so I can't hear his rude comment. Maybe I'll need to stay away from Link during my heat. I don't want to be to aggressive towards him. I don't even know if he wants to claim me in that way. I'll just hide from him. I can travel the world and sleep under crumbling ruins like I used to. I'll need to pack for my travels first. I quickly make my way to Castle Town.

I find some shops selling the supplies I will need. I stock up on arrows, meat, and produce. I tuck my goods away in my bag. I think I'm ready. I just need to let Link know of my trip before I head out. I quietly walk into our shared house and find a piece of paper and an quill pen. Link and Zelda are touring the castle armory now to make sure everything is in good shape. The king won't allow me inside the castle so I couldn't join them. I quickly write a note.

I decided to take a short trip throughout Hyrule. I will only be gone a week or so. No need to worry. I love you!

I place the note on our desk where I know my lover will see it. I quickly leave Castle Town and make my way to the nearest stable. I'll need a horse for my travels. On the way I notice several more monsters in heat. Some cry out with want and other pursue their love interest. I quickly destroy the monsters both out of a duty to protect Hyrule and out of a personal vandeta for being reminded of our similarity. That must mean I'm very close to the start of my heat if so many other monsters are already in theirs.

Finally, I arrive at River Side Stable. I'm already feeling my heat set in by the time I reach the stable. It's now late evening and the sky is beginning to darken. By nightfall I will likely be in full heat. I already feel pressure building in my stomach and lower regions. I tug at my tunic to make sure I'm covering any embarrassing signs of my heat. I walk up to the stable man behind the desk. "Hello, I would like to take out one of my horses," I state, noticing a slight whining tone in my voice.

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