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A/N -
Ocarina of time era.

(Mostly implied) sexual abuse. 18+ only. Stay safe and if you ever need to talk you can PM me.

Dark Link's PoV -

It was a normal day for me. Trapped in the castle of master, Ganon. The sky was turning to night and my master would be retiring to bed soon. Of course he would expect us to keep up our nightly routine. Reluctantly, I dress my self in uncomfortable provocative clothes and lay on the bed to wait for Ganon. I hated this routine. After my master was done with me I always felt so violated, so hurt. Yet, if I opposed him the consequences would be much worse. So I submitted to his iron rule. Ganon walks in on time as always and makes his way over to me. He laughs at my fear and insults me. I'm just a shadow. I wasn't born, I was made in the face of evil. I can never measure up to the hero. I can never be an equal. These words cut through me as Ganon has his way with me. Once he's done I'm thrown off the large bed onto the cold ground. I crawl over to my pile of clothes, my black tunic, and quickly change back into the more comfortable clothes. As silent as possible I leave my master's room.

I'm always awake during the night. It's one of the quirks of being me. Evil and darkness thrive in the night and so do I. I take a quick shower trying to cleanse my self of Ganon's pain. The bruises and cuts still cover me though scarcely visible on my dark grey skin. The real pain is inflicted deep down into the core of my being. I know with all my heart that I am just a pitiful shadow that can never be an equal to the hero who shares my form.

For the rest of the night I go about my chores. I do the dishes, prepare for tomorrows meals, do laundry, clean. Finally, as the day starts to break. Tiredness consumes me and I quietly make my way to my room. Exhausted I collapse onto my small pile of blankets and allow myself to let sleep consume me. Too soon I'm awoken to the sounds of chaos. Reluctantly, I rub sleep from my eyes and exit my room to find some moblins carrying a very angry Hylian dressed in green. Is that the hero I am made after?

     "Dark! Contain the hero in one of the cells," Master stands at the end of the hall ordering me.

     "Yes, Master Ganon," with that I creep towards the angry hero.

     His hands are tied behind his back and his sword and shield must have been taken away. He does his best to kick at the moblis trying to free himself. I almost feel bad for him. I wonder how long he will be stuck here. Surely not as long as I have been. The moblins hand the angry hero to me. "Hero, please come with me," I state before looping my own arms around his tied ones.

     He has a gag in his mouth so he can't very well reply but I understand his message when he kicks me in the knees causing us both to fall. I help us both stand before the hero kicks at me again. I only sway this time and we both collapse against the castle wall. "Dark, you useless b****," Master growls, "why do I have to do everything for myself."

     With that Ganon takes the hero from me and angrily pushes me into the wall again. My head cracks against the brick and I feel a wave of dizziness. Blood trickles from the back of my head. From down the hall I can see Ganon dragging the hero along behind him. Master holds to rope around his arms and drags the hero across the ground likely pulling his arms out of socket in the process. Despite the hero's obvious pain he looks at me with concern and perhaps a bit of pity. I slowly stand. I need to follow. Something in me cares for the Hylian and I can't let Ganon use him the way he uses me.

     At the end of the hall I watch as Ganon shoves the hero in a small cell that lines the wall outside Ganon's room. The cell is only three foot by three foot. Just enough for two people to stand. The Hylian lays collapsed on the dirty ground of the cell. "I trust you can detain him the rest of the way," Ganon states with malice as he saunters past me.

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