Chapter 12: Earnest Support

Start from the beginning


Y/n: I'm dying 😂😂😂

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Y/n: I'm dying 😂😂😂

Y/n: How does he even come up with that stuff tho? Lololol

Zen: You should ask him lmao

Y/n: 707 Defender of Justice!!!

Y/n: Do you hear my call?!?!

Zen: Lolololololololololololol

Zen: Cute~

Zen: That's not actually gonna work you know~

707 has entered the chat.

707: DID


707: CALL?!?!?!

Zen: oh my god...

Y/n: Yes~ 😂

Zen: Y/n must be a woman loved by the god of fate...!

Y/n: I certainly am since I managed to meet you and everyone in the RFA~ 😘


707: What about me? What about me?!

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707: What about me? What about me?!

Zen: You're included in "the RFA"

Y/n: 707, our souls were tied together by the of fate long before our time~ <3



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