"It wasn't my fault."

"You could've told them to go away. That my future husband and a future father is here." I tell him without looking for his reaction.

I felt like I was embarrassing myself, but I was only expressing how I feel. Standing up, I picked up Achille in my arms. Walking all the way upstairs to our room.

When I throw him on the bed he looked shy now, his face completely pink.

"Raise your arms." I order, and he does so. I pull his shirt over his head, throwing it to the side. Laying him down flat onto the bed, I make eye contact with him.

Achille looked shy now as I saw him close his legs under me. His eyes closing tightly, as if he was trying to hide himself from me.

"Where is this shyness coming from? You were confident before." I murmur to him, and he smiles.

"That was different...now that you are so close to me and about to hold me...this feels way different." He confessed to me shyly, and I grin.

"I'm happy to hear that. At least you feel something, that I'm not the only one feeling such attractions towards you."

"Of course. I would not be pregnant if I didn't willingly let you have sex with me." He told me, and as soon as he said that I felt...bad.

I no longer wanted to have sex as I pulled away from him. My lips falling into a straight line in discontent. I meant to ask him these questions when we first found out he was pregnant.

Except he was a asleep. Then when he woke up we spoke on it, but he made me upset and I made him upset. So the conversation was never finished.

"Do you really think our child will be a true replacement for me when I die? If you are never going to turn me into a vampire?" I ask him quietly, and his grin dropped.

Could already tell he was getting upset now and we barely started the conversation.

"I'm never going to make you into a vampire, ever-."

"But you are making our child into a vampire having him or her inside of you. So how is that fair? You're contradicting your statements saying - oh! I will never turn a person into a vampire, but you are doing so right now!" I interrupt loudly, Achille shoving my chest back and I almost rolled off the bed.

Had to catch myself from falling off as he glared at me in anger.

"You act like I have a choice. It was never my choice to make them half of me, vous imbécile! How dare you say that to me as if I have a choice? If it was up to me, they would be fully human. Except that's not the case so deal with it!" ( you imbecile! ) He yells at me angrily. 

"What did you call me?" I sneer, hearing the word 'imbecile' in his voice.

"An imbecile! A fool! You are something else. Why do you insist on wanting to be like me? It's not a good thing to be - there are no pluses to it! I would do anything to be able to die and be at peace! But no, I am stuck on this earth and have to move constantly so that people don't realize that I'm not aging! For you to sit before me and act like that's not a problem...just makes me think you're a fool!" He shouted even louder and I snicker.

Now I was angry.

"We will have each other! Why on earth would you say that's a problem when - literally, we will be together for forever?! Don't you realize that? Our family will never be apart and nothing has to be lost! Why are you so against that?" I question him and he got off the bed.

He picked up his shirt and I could tell he was going to try to run. I stood and grab his arm, only for him to grab it, twisting it behind me. Feeling it go behind my back in a painful way that made me collapse to the ground in shock.

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