81. Final Verdict

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"That's everything," said Fuji, ending his recount.

After their kiss was his plea to Shiraishi for help and his abolishment from the Garden of the Sun. Peace instilled him the day he was sentenced. He was okay to leave with that single moment of being with her. Knowing Ayuna would be in good care, leaving brought him solace rather than pain. Their love—no matter how fleeting—was enough to last several lifetimes. It was enough even if they never met again.

What he didn't know was that he was not dead. Not only so, but Shiraishi had gone above and beyond with his promise.

The last tremors in Fuji's voice rippled through silence.

Everyone in the room held still, held their breaths as they waited for the Creator's verdict. It became clear to everyone that Fuji's so-called "death" was a sham: the Creator had kept his archangel's soul intact for all these years.

Standing behind the two archangels now, Masayuki's eyes moved to her outcast granddaughter. Clutched in death's grip, Ayuna didn't move or blink, her face white as sheet.

In place of the loathing she anticipated was crushing guilt. Hearing Fuji retell the story transparently made her realize the burden tied to the Masa name. Laced in that supposed glory was a brutal force that not only shunned, but shattered a young girl's identity from birth. She couldn't help but wonder whether any of this crime would've happened if the Masas took her in. After all, Ayuna had no say in being born to the wrong parents under the wrong circumstances.

The Creator kept His weapon close to Ayuna and His eyes on Fuji. After some deliberation, He seemed to believe the story was finally told in its entirety.

"To keep this hidden, I suppose you erased her memories of you afterward? I didn't find anything about what you said when I probed her mind." 

"That wasn't his doing." Shiraishi looked up. "I did it after his sentencing."

"Under my request," added Fuji.

The Creator sneered. "What a nice little operation. I'm impressed that you two had schemed not only for the moment, but also for the years to come."

"That's not true," denied Shiraishi. "Felix only wanted Ayuna safe and free from pain. Anything else beyond that was my doing. He had nothing to do with what happened in this lifetime."

"You mean to say you were alone in arranging everything on earth?"


Eyes narrowed, the Creator probed Shiraishi's face, "I've asked this before and I'll ask it again: why is it so important to you for them to be together? What's in it for you to risk your everything?"

Shiraishi snuck a glance at Ayuna. Her prism-colored eyes were gazing back at him with confusion and terror. Presently, she still had no memory of him beyond this lifetime.

"Allow me to put it another way." Receiving no response, the Creator's voice boomed, "Do you love her?"

All eyes in the room were now on him. Shiraishi straightened himself and said, "You wouldn't understand."

His response elicited an icy laugh from the Creator. "How dare you be this condescending after your misdeeds?!"

"Like I said before, I want her to be happy," said Shiraishi. "Because she wasn't, not for a long time."

Momentarily closing his eyes, even the recollection of the prior life made his heart ache.


After Fuji's execution, he was not only lost to the providence, but also lost to Ayuna. Odd enough, aging had also been arrested for her that very year. Ayuna was stuck in time like the immortals.

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