35. Genius Idea

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Applications flooded the student council mailroom in the next week. With another week to screen all proposals, Ayuna and Noa worked from morning to night to make the deadline. 

To their disappointment, most proposals seemed to be clones that focused on using fancy venues and extravagant events that catered to the privileged class. None came close to having the innovative spark that would match Ayuna's vision. 

The most appealing candidate remained Doutsu University, which suggested hosting a tennis tournament amongst the elite universities in the region. While the pitch was creative enough, it still failed to include the general public. 

Noa sighed as she inspected their shortlist of qualifiers, wondering if they had been too ambitious for their own good. 

Suddenly, there was a shadow in the reception annex. This being the after-hours, no staff except for the receptionist should be in the building. Alert, Noa sat straighter, her hand on the drawer containing her handgun.

As she got ready to act, in walked a senior with chin-length brown hair and ocean-colored eyes. Lingering sunlight reflected off of his white shirt and embalmed the visitor in an ethereal glow. Surreptitiously releasing her breath, Noa dropped her hand. Even without an introduction, she knew exactly who he was.

Standing up, Noa walked around her desk, deciding to have a little fun first. "Sorry, our office's closed. You'll have to come back another time."

"I'm sorry to be a bother," said the visitor. "I'm here hoping to see the president."

"She's out, actually."

He didn't seem fazed by this. "Do you know where to?"

"That's top secret—nobody knows." Leaning in, she said conspiratorially, "Though word around says she's been seeing someone about your height, with the same hair and eyes. Hmm..."

Fuji's expressions relaxed into a grin. "That's a risky move, Ami-san. Imagine if you got the wrong person."

Noa beamed. "You know my name?"

"How can I not know Ayuna's closest friend, Ami Noa?"

"Well, I have to say I'm both impressed and flattered, Fuji Shuusuke. It's nice to finally put a face to the name."

"I wish I could say the same," Fuji replied, "but you've already made fun of me."

Noa laughed. She liked that he was willing to humor her. One minute in and she could already understand why he'd ousted Sachi. Fuji made it easy, his mere presence a refreshing gust of autumn air. Unlike a particular obnoxious ass, he was the polar opposite of the stuffy upper class.

Here, Noa reeled her thoughts before she could think about Atobe Keigo too much. Odd she should think of him at this time—or at all.

Before she continued wallowing in disgust, Fuji asked, "So, is Ayuna really out of the office?"

Noa shook her head. Pivoting, she pointed her guest down the hall. "Her office is the last one."  When she saw hesitation on Fuji's face, she assured him, "Don't worry, everybody's gone home. I'll be the only one here, standing watch for the two of you."

Fuji nodded appreciatively. "I don't know how I can thank you enough for everything."

"Don't thank me. Just promise you won't break my best friend's heart."

"I won't."

With a satisfied grin, Noa saluted once and waved Fuji off.


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