63. Moonlight Shadows*

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An hour later, event staff served dinner in a banquet-style. As expected of the Atobe household, the dishes were prepared to perfection and the cutleries were of the finest china and silver. Unlike other guests, who had nothing but praises for the event and the gala, Ayuna only wanted to go home.

Seizing the after-dinner lull, Ayuna stepped out to the balcony. Removed from the din inside, she listened to the soft lapping of tides. Located mere steps away from the ocean, the manor offered a sweeping view of Osaka Bay. A crescent moon hung over the distant horizon, its reflection oscillating with the gently rolling waves.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" a sonorous voice rose from behind her.

She turned to find Tezuka approaching. He had on a simple grey suit and a deep purple tie. In the moonlight, his grey jacket was bleached alabaster. Motioning towards the spot beside her, he said, "I hope you don't mind me joining."

Ayuna shook her head.

Tezuka stood next to her. For the next few minutes, they admired the watery moon as it cast layered shadows over the ocean surface. From a distance came the protracted bellow of a cargo ship departing from Osaka Harbor.

When the long wail faded, Tezuka started, "Ayuna-san... Is it okay if I call you by name for once?"

Startled by this sudden request, Ayuna nodded.

"The last time we spoke was quite a while ago, wasn't it?"

"Three years ago. Right before you announced your decision to rehabilitate in Germany."

Tezuka seemed pensive. "Seems like everything's changed since then."

"It sure has for everyone."

He agreed. "The passage of time accentuates every trait, doesn't it? The good becomes better, while the bad becomes worse."

Ayuna took note of his words and the purposeful lump of pause left behind each one. Turning to face him, she said, "Tezuka-senpai, if there's anything you'd like to say to me, I'd be happy to hear it."

Unperturbed by her outspokenness, he met her eyes, "Since you've been nothing but honest, I'll also do the same. I won't bore you by expressing the shock many felt to see you again. Personally, I experienced more fear than shock. That's why I accepted your tournament invitation and came back."

Not moving a muscle, she waited for him to go on.

"When you disappeared three years ago, Fuji was devastated. While he seemed to be doing fine superficially, his mental state stayed in terrible shape. Only now has he slowly started to recover. Even so, he still hasn't quite regained himself. Are you aware?"

She whispered "yes".

"Please don't think I'm saying this to blame you. I realize your disappearance wasn't voluntary. Frankly, your personal life and the reasons for your disappearance don't concern me." Looking deeper into her eyes, Tezuka's expressions grew solemn, "After all this time, I simply can't help but wonder if you're conscious of your impact on Fuji."

Met with his cutting gaze, Ayuna stammered, "Tezuka-senpai, do you mean to say I'm ruining Fuji? Is this what you've always thought of me?"

Tezuka rested a hand on the railing. He took time scripting an answer that could balance his solicitude for a close friend and his perception of her as an individual. After a few beats of silence, he said quietly, "You're a good person, Ayuna-san. That's not a statement up for debate. To this day, I'm grateful for the sacrifices you made in my place three years ago. At the time, no one entrusted unconditional faith in me: they respected me because I'm older, a superior. But you had a different perspective. I can confidently say you propelled me through one of the toughest matches in my career, and nothing will sully that memory."

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