twenty eight

530 5 1

alana looked at david, while everyone was staring at her. her phone kept ringing.

"just answer it." david was annoyed, but he didn't to stop being interrupted.


troye was talking, but alana couldn't hear him. she was too busy staring at david. she knew what she was going to say. she's known it all along, she's just been to afraid to say it to his face.

"and i just wanted you to know that i—" alana cut troye off by hanging up, she wanted david, not troye.

"i love you too." alana said, quickly.

"i want to be with you too." they were both smiling wide. as was everyone else. just before they leaned in, zane ran right in between them and bear hugged them both. everyone else followed along shortly.

after a five minute hug, david grabbed alana's hand and brought her to his room, where he grabbed her waist and kissed her.

this was it. they finally realized that they were meant for each other.

they hit the reset button and they couldn't be happier about it.

not the end!! also sorry it's short again

second chances // d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now