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alana still hasn't told cecilia about the david thing a few weeks ago and she wasn't planning on it. she knew that cecilia was hungover and not in the mood to go out, so she texted corinna.

hey rinna. did you want to hang out today? i can pick you up if you need me too.

corinna's pov

i was hanging out with everyone's at david's when lana texted me. kristen brought me here so i knew that she would have to pick me up, but i couldn't tell david. he would want to go talk to her and that is the last thing that alana wants right now, but i don't blame her.

yeah i'm gonna need a ride. but just so you know i'm at david's house. i won't tell him that you are coming if you don't want me too.

please don't. i'm on my way.

"who are ya texting? a boy?!" scott asked. i knew that i would have to tell them it was alana, but i tried my best not to.

"it's no one, now stop being nosy." i told him and flipped him off.

"oh come on corinna, just tell us who it is." david said and took my phone. shit.

"dave give it back!" i tried to grab it, but i knew he saw the name.

"why are you texting her?" he asked, sounding a little disgusted which made me confused.

"because we are friends and she doesn't want to see you, so don't try anything." i said and pointed my finger at him, indicating that i was serious.

"i wouldn't want to see her even if i was held at gun point." he rolled his eyes. what the hell has gotten into him?

"what got your panties in a bunch?" zane asked, like he read my mind.

"nothing it's just that she thinks she's all that just because she's a model." before i could say anything, the front door was slammed closed. we all turned our heads to see that alana was standing there.

third person's pov

"nothing it's just that she thinks she's all that just because she's a model." alana heard as soon as she opened the door. she had texted corinna, but she didn't answer, so alana just walked in. big mistake for the model and slovakian boy.

"i think i'm all that? really? what about you?" alana spat.

"what about me?" he spat back.

"you an overrated, selfish, attention seeking piece of shit. you've been that way since you started vine."

"i'm selfish? i do a lot of good things for my friends." alana could tell he really had nothing.

"wow. you post videos of you doing good things. you really are selfless." everyone could tell she was being sarcastic.

"you do that shit to make you seem like a good person. i haven't seen you in 5 years and i can still see right through you." alana continued. everyone has made there way to the backyard, so they didn't have to hear this anymore.

david looked at the ground, he knew alana was right, but he wouldn't tell her that. not after she started accusing him of never caring for her. he has cared about her since the moment they met and he still would feel the same if she didn't act like a heartless witch. while he was lost in thought, he fell to the ground. alana punched him in the nose.

"did that make you feel better?" david said, as he was holding his nose.

"no." she said, blatantly

"then hit me again." he said with no expression on his face.

"what?" she was shocked. he's always been a pussy, why was he telling her to punch him.

"it didn't make you feel better, so do it until it does."


"what? you too much of a pussy? come on lana. do. it. again." so she did. she hit him again. and again. and again. until she was pulled off of him by todd and scott.

"LET ME GO!!" she screamed, wanting to cause him as much pain as he caused her that day. she was screaming and kicking, but they wouldn't let her go.

the vlog squad took a bleeding david dobrik to the hospital, leaning alana davis feeling nothing but guilt for almost killing the boy.

second chances // d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now