twenty two

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alana knew she had to talk to troye. she felt so much guilt for not talking to him, even though he didn't put in any effort in seeing her either.

alana didn't realize that she was lost in thought until she heard a knock at the door.

now or never. she thought.

she opened the door to see troye, who had a smile on his face, which made her feel even worse for doing this.

"hey troye." she said, in a monotone voice.

"hey lana. is everything alright?" he asked, seeming worried.

"we need to talk." alana motioned for him to follow her to the couch.

"what's up?"

"i think we need to break up." she said, quickly, wanting to get it over with.

"what? why?" he was definitely not expecting her to say that. or was he?

he noticed them not really talking anymore, but he didn't think it was that big of a deal. what a guy, right?

"i don't really feel a connection between us anymore." that's all she could say.

what else was she supposed to say? oh hey troye i think we should break up because i have some sort of feelings for one of my best friends. hell no.

"is there something i can do to fix that." he asked, feeling a little guilty for not trying to spend time with her.

"it's my fault, too. don't put all the blame on yourself. there's nothing either of us could do." she said, somehow reading his mind.

it's my fault, too.

those words hit him like a ton of bricks.

"is this because of david?" he asked, annoyed.

"what? no of course not." she said. why did everyone know she likes david before her?

"whatever i'm out of here." with that he got up and started to walk to the door.

"wait troye! let's talk about this." she got up after him.

"there's nothing to talk about. we are over. date david if you want. i don't care." he did though. he genuinely liked being with alana.

then why didn't he try to be with her more? he felt somewhat at blame for the breakup.

"troye you don't understand! david has a girlfriend. we will never be together." she said, trying to get him to understand that that wasn't the reason, even though it was.

troye felt bad for her, he wanted to stay and comfort her. sounds crazy right? wanting to comfort the girl who broke up with you because she is in love with another guy, but all he did was leave the brunettes apartment to have a chat with one david dobrik.

second chances // d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now