twenty five

603 6 3

alana woke up what seemed to be an hour later. she decided that she was going to go grocery shopping as she knew there was no way in hell that cecilia did.

when she got to the nearest store, she saw a familiar face.

"corinna?" she hasn't seen corinna i forever.

"oh my god. well if it isn't the alana davis. i haven't seen you in a hot minute." corinna said as she hugged the taller girl.

"what have you been up to?" alana asked, hugging back.

"oh you know. i've been here and there." alana modded, even though she had no clue what corinna was talking about.

"hey are you coming to david's tonight? he's having a party."

"a party? for who?" alana didn't hear anything about a party.

"oh you know."

"no i don't." alana was genuinely confused.

"it's just a small party for his vlogs." corinna suspiciously said, alana caught on to her odd behavior but didn't say anything.

"uh yeah i guess i can stop by." what was she thinking? taylor was probably going to be there and alana definitely didn't want to see her. but before she could say anything to corinna, she got a call.



"is this alana davis?" the unknown voice asked.

"who is this?"

"taylor." shit.

"what do you want?" alana was a little nervous. why?

"this is all your fault." she sounded sad and angry. mostly angry.

"what is?"

"david broke up with me. because of you."

"he said it was because of me?" alana wasn't buying anyone's crap.

"well no. but i know him and i know that he loves you." taylor's voice became more serious.

alana didn't know what to say, so she hung up and blocked taylor's number.

alana knew something fishy was happening. david usually doesn't throw parties just for the vlog. usually he just finds one and goes to that.

she wasn't sure what was going to happen, but her nosey ass was going to find out.


i am so so so so so so sorry that i have been so inactive, i had basketball practice and ballet, but now that coronavirus has literally closed everything, hopefully i'll have more time to upload. sorry again 😔

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