"What do you want?" 

"Be with me Jaxon. You're mine and I'm yours." I nearly laughed. This bitch really wanted an in-genuine relationship with me? Was she really that desperate. 

"No." I said sternly. "I won't pretend to be in some fairy tail relationship with someone I don't even like." I tried to call her bluff but she got me. Without saying anything, Marcy pulled out her phone and typed in several phone numbers before showing me. The people included in the thread were, Luke, Imani, Darnell, Daniel, and Brent. She then attached the video and stared at me dead in the eyes before pressing send. Fuck! This wasn't good. 

"You think I won't send it to her parents next?" She asked. "Try me!" At this moment, I finally realized the depth of crazy I was dealing with.  This bitch was completely and utterly insane. There was no talking or reasoning with her. I needed to come up with a plan before she really hurt Jasmine. I threw my hands up in defeat and  conceded to her demands.

"Ok, you've won. I'm your boyfriend and you're girlfriend. Yada yada yada. But, Marcy. I'm warning you, if you send that video to anyone else, we are done for good!" Marcy smiled genuinely happy. She had no clue that I was only agreeing to do this until I could figure out how to help Jasmine get out of this mess. Marcy clasped her hands with happiness before leaning over and kissing me on the lips. I immediately wanted to puke but I held it in. 

"By the way Jaxon, my phone was on airplane mode. You can breathe easy because I didn't actually send the video." I sighed relieved. "But cross me again and I promise you Jasmines reputation is done." She smiled disgustingly and my blood started to boil.  It was the first time that I ever fantasized about hitting a woman. 

After that encounter, Marcy was attached to my hip. She insisted that I posted on social media so that our relationship would feel more "real". I hated having to do it but until I could come up with a plan to deal with Marcy I had no choice but to go along with this farce. 


One week later and I moved out of my sisters home and into my own town home. Marcy insisted on bringing her things over and having her own drawer in my room. I drew the line at that. I told her she was moving too fast. The more this went on, the more I had to keep reminding myself that this was all temporary. I just needed to come up with a plan first. 

It had been a week since I last saw Jasmine and I was missing our feisty banter. I smiled at the simple thought of her threatening me with a knife. I shook my head at our last conversation. It was hard to believe that she loved Darnell; it was such a hard pill to swallow. 

Today, I was headed back over to my sister's house to retrieve the rest of my things. All week, Jasmine avoided me like the plague. When I was moving yesterday, she conveniently wasn't home all day. Yes, it was frustrating. But I tried to give her the space she needed. 

When I pulled up to my sister's house, I was instantly annoyed at seeing Darnell's car in the driveway. Even if she didn't see us having a future, why him? It just didn't make any sense to me. 

When I entered the house, Darnell was downstairs playing video games. I didn't even acknowledge him and I was glad when he didn't say a word to me. I went upstairs to my old room to gather a few things when I heard the shower turn off. The angel on my shoulder tried to talk some sense into me. You're only here for your things. Leave Jasmine alone, she made her decision. But then the devil was so much more tempting. Forget what she said, go in there and talk to her. You know you're dying to do so. 

I turned away from the bathroom door and began to gather the rest of my things.  I shook my head to clear my thoughts and ran my fingers through my hair. I was warring with myself. Finally the devil on my shoulder won. I dropped everything in my hands and headed into Jasmine's room without knocking. It was either I talk to her now or it would be never. 

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