Chapter 2

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I dropped Isa off at a daycare, the Latino women was nice enough to keep her while I went to school and work during the day and I didn't have to pay much.

I drove my beat up car to my new job. The restaurant was one of many on the beach front, and seeing as it was a weekend the place was already buzzing with people. I parked my car then got out and walked to the front door.

"Good morning miss, may I help you" a man dressed in a white shirt with black formal pants and a black tie approached me. I'm guessing he was the host of the place. "Good morning, I'm looking for Tony. I'm supposed to start working here today" I said giving him a kind smile.

"Oh! Nice to meet you. I'm Anthony the host" he said holding out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Bayliy" I smiled shaking his hand. "Tony's in the office. Just go straight, take the stairs and his office is to the left of the bar" Anthony said directing me with his hands. I thanked him and headed towards the stairs.

Taking his directions I found the door to the office located exactly next to the left of the bar. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before someone said, "come in."

I opened the slowly and walked into the office. To the left of the door from one end of the wall to the other was the biggest window I had ever seen, to the right was a medium sized wooden desk, on one side it had two leather chairs and on the other was one chair where Tony sat.

The desk was filled with papers, his lap top and books. "Bayliy" Tony said excitedly, he woke up from his seat and wrapped me in a big bear hug. "Hey uncle Tony" I whispered hugging him back. "How are you?" He asked when he pulled away from me giving me a warm smile. "I'm okay" I said, "My God, you look so much like her" he said letting go of me. All I could do was smile as I looked into his teary eyes.

He took his seat again and I sat opposite him. "So how's the baby doing?" He asked brightening up, "not a baby anymore, but she's okay" I replied. "Thanks uncle Tony for helping me out, I really appreciate everything you're doing" I said. "Don't worry about it, it's not much. With bills and stuff to pay..." He trialed off feeling bad for me. "And you're mother was my sister. You're family" he said waving his emotions away.

"So when can I get started?" I asked changing the topic. "You can do waitressing for today since it's your first day. Uniform is black formal pants and white shirts with black ties. Here's the keys to your locker in the staff room, the uniform is in there" he said handing me the keys. I picked it up as I stood, "I better get to work then" I said giving him one last smile as I walked out the door.

I went to the staff room with the help of Anthony again, and got changed into the uniform. I folded and placed my clothes neatly into the locker with my phone and car and house keys. Then I got to work.

The day had went by pretty well, with the usual breakfast rush and lunch rush. I waited the tables taking orders and serving food. It was difficult at first to get the orders right and be quick enough with getting them to people. But eventually I got the hang of it, I had also made friends with the other workers in the restaurant. Anthony and I had become especially close, during our break he entertained me with stories of his past and his wife and kids, and how he and uncle Tony met and have been working for him since.

It late afternoon, I had come into the dining area to check if there were anymore customers, seeing no one I sighed in relief it was a couple good hours before the dinner rush too so I could relax for a bit or so I thought. I turned my head as soon as I heard the creeking of the front door, and a tall young guy who looked around my age walks in. His lips were set in a thin line forming a small scrawl, his steely grey eyes darting around the room.

Anthony however had the complete opposite reaction upon seeing the young man. He gave him his usual warm and welcoming smile with hint of fondness in his eyes. "Welcome sir. Your usual table is waiting for you, I'll have someone come up in a second" Anthony said. With just a nod of acknowledgement to Anthony the guy walked straight to the stairs.

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