Chapter 2 : The Maze

Start from the beginning

A stick.
He said stick, not sword.
Why ?

"Wait, what did you... " I started asking, but a panicked voice cut me off



Just when we turned to the door, we saw the boy who was screaming entering on the frame of the door.
He gets up as if nothing had happened.
We approach him while he takes a noisy breath.


Newt raised his hand
"Calm down, I don't understand anything !"

"It's Alby and Minho!" He repeated more slowly

"Where are they ?" Worried Newt

"They are always in the maze and the doors will close in 4 minutes "

Newt gives me a look and rushes to the exit, and I run behind him.

"I knew there was something weird" said newt, but i'm not sure if he was addressing me or himself.

"What was weird?" I ask him

"Minho found a griever dead in the maze yesterday, it never happened before, so Alby want to see this and they go to the maze this morning."

"What is a griever ?" I asked him

"The worst thing you can imagine. Pray never to see it."

We arrive at the gates where Gladers are gathered, and we makes our way to see the inside of the maze.

And we see them. Minho drags an alby who seems unconscious on the ground and is injured himself.
The ground started to shake and a strong breath of wind coming from inside made us take a few steps back, before the walls started to move.
Minho falls to the ground but gets up and starts dragging alby, but we can see that it is impossible that they arrive before closing, they are too far.

The Gladers scream for encouragement, but Minho falls to the ground again and this time he doesn't get up.

The wall is only 6 meters from the closure. 5 meters. 4 meters.

Without thinking, I rush and land on the other side of the wall just before the doors are closed.
And I hear the sound of the door closing behind me.

Without a glance towards the door, I run to minho and alby to see how they are.
I put my fingers on Alby's neck. Heartbeat. He's alive.
During this time, Minho sat against the wall.

"Well done guys, you just signed your death warrant." He said.

Guys ?

I look behind me and I see a boy with brown hair, of an average size and having to be in the 16 years.

"Percy, Thomas , Thomas, Percy" Minho introduced us.
"Two nebbies arriving to save me. I am reassured." he said sarcastically

"We came to help you, you could be a little more grateful"
With incredible speed and strength for someone in his condition, minho grabs Thomas by the collar and blocks him against the wall.

"AND WHY SHOULD I BE GRATEFUL TO YOU HUH ? TO COME AND DIE WITH US ? Because you guys don't understand, we're dead !" he shouted before releasing thomas and dropping to the ground.
"But thanks anyway, punk" he said

"There is bound to be something to do !", I intervene

"No. No one has ever survived a night in the labyrinth, ever. All we can do is run and hope to survive as long as possible."

Suddenly a terrible cry was heard, and Minho got up.

"They are the ones, they are coming! Run without stopping!" And on these words, he started to run.

I look at Thomas.
"What do we do for alby ?" I asked. "We can't leave him like that !"

"I think I have an idea." He answered.

Hello guys !😀 Another chapter is finished, I hope you liked it ! Do not hesitate to let me know in the

comments !
I don't know when the next chapter will be out, soon I think, so be fine by the time,
and may the gods be with you, demi-gods !

Ps: English is definitely not my first language, so don't hesitate to let me know in the comments if I made mistakes !

Word count :

Percy Jackson : The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now